Why does a child hiccup in the womb?

The first stirring of the child is a long-awaited event for the future mother. After all, she can now determine whether everything is in order with the child, and how he feels. According to the nature of the activity of the baby, his conditions and doctors are evaluated. To do this, they strongly recommend that their patients fill out a special table, the so-called stirring test. But what a surprise for women who, at about 7 months of pregnancy, begin to feel jerks of a completely different nature, in intensity and rhythm, resembling hiccups. Whether it is necessary to worry in such a case, or why the child is hanging in the womb, let's deal with this matter thoroughly.

Can a baby hiccup in the womb?

To mix up a hiccup with usual physical activity of the baby it is practically impossible. With the hiccup movement of the baby rhythmic and not so intense, also pregnant can feel: a light pulsation in the lower abdomen, discomfort, slight vibration of the skin and twitching with a certain periodicity. As a rule, attentive moms easily determine when the baby starts hiccups. Of course, it also happens that during all nine months of bearing, a woman does not feel that her baby is hiccuping. To be frightened of it it is not necessary, as a degree of sensitivity at all different, besides and children develop differently.

When does the baby start hiccup in the womb?

Many future mothers during ultrasound can see how their child sucks a finger or yawns. These unconditioned reflexes, which are laid in the womb, long before the baby's birth. The same applies to them and hiccups, which appears due to the ingestion of a small amount of amniotic fluid. This does not pose a threat to the life and health of the crumbs, since the liquid is excreted in the form of urine.

Most often, hiccups occur in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to perform the first "breathing" training. As a result, the baby swallows more fluid, causing a reduction in the diaphragm. In general, gynecologists regard hiccups as a sign of the correct development of the nervous system of crumbs.

Of course, many mothers, worrying about why a child often hiccups in the womb, immediately go to the doctor. In part, such forethought is not superfluous. Since the statement that the fetus hiccups due to impending hypoxia is not completely refuted. Talk about the lack of oxygen and conduct an additional examination is when the child hiccups very often and for a long time. You can also suspect that something is wrong with the nature and intensity of the movements. If the crumb behaves too restlessly, then it is advisable to consult a specialist. To make sure that everything is in order with the baby, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound with dopplerometry, and will also conduct cardiotography.

What if the baby starts hiccup in the womb?

As we have already explained, the main reason why the fetus hiccups in the womb is its intensive development and preparation for childbirth. However, this phenomenon often delays mummies discomfort, interferes with quiet rest and sleep. In order to reassure the baby, a woman can take the following measures:

  1. If the hiccups fell at night, you can try to change the position of the body or pat your tummy.
  2. There is an opinion that to provoke a hiccup in a crumb can a sweet food. Therefore, before going to bed pregnant to eat sweet is not recommended.
  3. And, of course, in order to answer the question why a child often hiccups in the womb, it was not disappointing, pregnant women should not neglect walking on the fresh air. This will save crumbs from hypoxia and prepare for labor.