Allergy during pregnancy

To date, allergy affects 30% of the world's population, and in areas with adverse ecology - more than 50%. And although the allergy itself is not a disease, some kind of discomfort brings such a state. And if in the usual situation you can easily cope with the symptoms with the help of medications, the allergy during pregnancy requires a completely different approach.

Features of an allergy during pregnancy

Regardless of what you are dealing with during pregnancy, be it a seasonal allergy or a sudden reaction to a stimulus, it is worth knowing that there is no effect on the child on this condition. Even such a severe form of an allergic reaction as bronchial asthma is not a contraindication for pregnancy today.

It is worth noting that about 30% of pregnant women suffer from allergies. Consoles only that during pregnancy, the level of cortisol increases, which softens the course of an allergic reaction. Allergies can appear even if you have not suffered from anything like this before. The fact is that after changing the hormonal balance, your body can react quite differently to potential allergens - for the same reason, an allergy may worsen during pregnancy.

Allergies in pregnant women - symptoms

Depending on the type of allergic reaction, the symptomatology also differs. So, for example, with food allergies in pregnant women may appear rashes on the abdomen and other parts of the body. Allergy in pregnancy on the skin, most often on the hands and face, can have a localized or heavier - generalized manifestation.

During an allergy during pregnancy, a nose may be blocked or tearing may be observed. It should be noted that almost 40% of pregnant women suffer from a cold, therefore it is only necessary to start treatment of allergic rhinitis after an accurate determination of the presence of an allergy.

On the symptoms and nature of the reaction, allergies during pregnancy are divided into light and heavy. And if in the first case a woman can completely do without treatment, then in the second case, an allergy requires drug-induced cupping.

Allergy in pregnant women - what are the consequences?

Allergic reactions in the mother's body are not dangerous for the fetus, as antibodies do not penetrate the placenta. The general condition of a woman, as well as taking antihistamines - that's what allergies can be dangerous in pregnancy. In severe forms of an allergic reaction (exacerbation of bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, etc.), the fetus may suffer from hypoxia.


If you previously had allergies, be sure to seek advice from an allergist. Allergoproba can accurately identify the allergen, exclude any contact with it, or develop optimal treatment. It should be noted that self-administration of antihistamines will harm your child more than the most allergic reaction, so the first thing you need to do with allergies during pregnancy is to seek medical help from a qualified specialist.


To prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction, you should exclude any contact with the allergen. If possible, try not to be in the same room as the animals, do wet cleaning daily, stop smoking and avoid smoky rooms. With regard to nutrition, experts recommend to abandon the products of the "risk group":

The permitted products include cereals, lean meat, fruit and vegetables of neutral color.