Sublimated products

We try our best to use products for the purpose of obtaining nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. For many, storage and lightweight transportation also play an important role. "Food of the future" has already ceased to be an invention of science fiction, it is already on the shelves of shops - it's freeze-dried food.

Features of manufacturing technology

The technology of preparation of these products in general means first freezing food to low temperatures, and then placing in vacuum conditions, where ice crystals evaporate and are absorbed by special condensers. At the last stage, the resulting sublimate is placed in hermetically sealed packages, often nitrogen is pumped into them. Thus, it can be said that freeze-dried food is dried food.

Long-term storage and preservation of nutritional value

Due to such thorough preparation, sublimates have a very long shelf life. They contain a minimum of water and are in anoxic conditions, so bacteria and fungi do not multiply in packaging. In this regard, there is no need to add to the products no preservatives, stabilizers and other harmful substances that help to save food, but in themselves are not harmless. In addition, during sublimation, products are not subjected to high temperature processing, therefore, most vitamins and trace elements, as well as other nutrients in them, are preserved and do not undergo destruction during long-term storage. That's why freeze-dried fruits and berries are a great way to make supplies for the winter and benefit from them in any season.

It can also be said that the sublimated products are "concentrated", because they lose water during processing, and with it weight and volume. Therefore, a piece of freeze-dried meat weighing 1 kg actually corresponds to a ten-kilogram piece. From this it can be concluded that the sublimate contains several more nutrients and nutrients than conventional products.

Quality and Convenience

Another plus is that sublimates do not lose their taste qualities. Many of them after processing become even more delicious than before it. In addition to this sublimation, it is advantageous to subject only fresh products , otherwise they will not withstand processing and become unfit for consumption. So to buy, for example, freeze-dried vegetables, means to buy a high-quality product.

Sublimates are also very convenient food, because these products are compact and weigh very little. The way of preparation is also very simple. Finished products require the addition of water, and some after this, you still need to cook or fry (fish or meat). Therefore, sublimates are very convenient to take with you on a trip, hiking or just storing


Products that are processed

You can sublimate almost any food, freeze-dried fruits are produced, as well as:

Case in price

The technology of production of freeze-dried products is actually quite complicated, and for such processing expensive equipment is required. Hence the impressive cost of such food, so the demand for it is not so high, especially if you just need to buy food, bring them home and immediately cook a dish. Therefore, we can conclude that the sublimates are no worse than ordinary products, they bring no less benefit to the body, but they are profitable when you need to make "reserves" for a long time or take food with you.