Quince during pregnancy

Quince refers to those products that have a low calorie content. The composition of this fruit is very diverse. It contains:

Let's consider this fruit in more detail, we will find out: is it possible to eat quince with pregnant women, what nuances must be taken into account while doing so.

What is useful for quince for pregnant women?

First of all, it should be noted that this fruit can be consumed during the carrying of the baby. Doctors note the following useful effects from quince use during pregnancy:

  1. Improvement of hematopoiesis processes. Included in the composition of iron and copper, as it is impossible by the way pregnant, the load on the cardiovascular system of which is almost doubled. The use of this fruit reduces the likelihood of anemia.
  2. Reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Acting on the body like sensitizers, quince dramatically reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions to the use of appropriate products.
  3. Reduces nausea. An excellent tool in the fight against manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women in the early stages. Having eaten several slices of boiled, baked quince on an empty stomach , the expectant mother will immediately feel relieved.
  4. Allows you to get rid of bleeding gums. Quince for pregnant women can be an excellent tool for strengthening teeth and gums, which during pregnancy are depleted because most of the calcium is used to build an inert device of the fetus.

What should be considered when eating fruit during gestation?

Despite the fact that most of the quince during pregnancy brings mainly benefit, but it also can cause certain harm. So, the fruit is not recommended for women with:

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the integrity of the outer shell of the fetus seeds should not be tolerated. Otherwise, there will be a release of a substance such as hydrocyanic acid. The fruit gets the smell of almonds. In a large concentration, the substance can cause poisoning. Therefore, use quince is necessary with great care.