Aloe extract by Fedorov

Eye drops Aloe extract by Fedorov is a biologically active product. Many use it to remove and prevent eye fatigue, as a preventive and as an auxiliary for the treatment of eye diseases. This drug is intended for all categories of patients, and, as stated by the manufacturer, helps maintain eye health.

Effect of drops Aloe extract by Fedorov

As the instruction says, eye drops on Fedorov are a product that has no analogues, and the composition of this medicine is completely natural. Ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fyodorov spent over 10 years creating them. Working on the tissues of the eyeball, drops Aloe extract by Fedorov called for a short time to restore and improve eyesight, which significantly improves the quality of life.

In the composition of this preparation are three main natural components: honey, silver and aloe extract. By themselves, all the ingredients are a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, and also biologically active substances. According to the creator of the medicine, the drops according to Fedorov have an extensive spectrum of action:

  1. Demineralized water, enriched with silver ions - silver provides sterility of drops, they have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, softly moisturize, facilitating the restoration and rejuvenation of cellular structures.
  2. Honey bee - has antibacterial and antifungal action, provides nutrients to the tissues of the eyeball, helps restore damaged structures.
  3. Adenosine - has a positive effect on the processes of regeneration and tissue trophism, improves metabolic processes and microcirculation, has anti-edematous and local vasodilating effect.
  4. Vitamin B6 - improves retinal metabolism and visual impulse formation, has antioxidant activity.
  5. Ascorbic acid - perfectly strengthens the walls of the eye vessels, which greatly reduces the risk of hemorrhages and improves the nutrition of tissues.
  6. Benzalkonium chloride - also has antiseptic and antiviral effects.

Indications for the use of drops according to Fedorov

Aloe extract according to Fedorov - drops, which, in theory, should have bacteriostatic properties in relation to streptococci, staphylococci, typhoid fever, dysentery and diphtheria bacillus. According to the instruction, they can be used even in cases when the treatment can not be performed with the help of surgical intervention.

There is an opinion that Fedorov's drops for the eyes correct vision disorders. Is it really? Vitamin cocktail in the drug, of course, is useful for many patients, but, as a rule, for the treatment of serious ophthalmological pathologies, only natural substances are not enough. Nevertheless, they eliminate burning sensation and relieve "heaviness" in the eyes. For treatment or prevention, they are recommended for use with:

Drops Aloe extract by Fedorov can be used for children and adults. They are buried in the conjunctival sac 1-2 drops a day no more than 3 times a day. The full course of treatment with this drug is 6 weeks.

Reviews of Aloe Extract by Fedorov

Aloe extract according to Fedorov, according to preliminary studies, has practically no contraindications. Use these drops is not possible only in case of individual intolerance of the components. But some reviews of this drug indicate that it not only does not treat eye diseases, but it is also dangerous for health and causes allergic reactions . Remember, Aloe extract by Fedorov is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement. Using such drops, unconditionally trusting the healing power of vitamins and other, even the most natural components, you risk missing the terms of effective treatment of eye diseases, which will provoke the appearance of serious complications: