Herbs for the stomach

Herbs as a remedy for treating stomach diseases, eliminating discomfort and preventing various disorders are a long-known and quite effective remedy.

The use of herbs to treat the stomach

  1. Donnik medicinal , cornflower blue, alder kidney, coltsfoot, common Cyprinus, calgan, calendula, horsetail, medicinal sage. All these plants have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Flax seeds, mallow forest, sea buckthorn oil, medicinal althaea, oats, medicinal medynica, double-leafed lily, angelica, great plantain. Plants that have enveloping properties and protect the mucous membrane. Plantain is recommended to use only with gastritis with low acidity, as it refers to natural bitterness.
  3. Peppermint, Labrador tea marsh, tansy, sheepweed, chamomile, belladonna, common hops. These herbs are used for pain in the stomach, as they have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect. In addition, fennel, anise, caraway seeds and fennel seeds are good.
  4. Ledum marsh, thyme, St. John's wort , ayr, yarrow. Plants with antibacterial properties.
  5. To strengthen the secretion and increase the acidity of gastric juice, plantain, gentian, wormwood and other natural bitterness are used.
  6. To grasses that have a regenerative effect, which is especially important in gastritis and gastric ulcer, include nettle, aloe, calanchoe, potato juice, chamomile and celandine (with increased acidity), plantain and parsley root (with reduced).

Recipes for the use of herbs for the stomach

For the best effect in the treatment of the stomach, it is usually not herbs alone, but herbal preparations.

Herbal collection for stomach gastritis with high acidity


Preparation and use

Mix all herbs in a jar, shake thoroughly. A tablespoon of collection pour a glass of boiling water and insist 30 minutes in a thermos. The ready-made broth is consumed throughout the day, 30 minutes before meals, in 3 divided doses. To drink the collection follows within a month.

Herbal collection for gastritis with low acidity


Preparation and use

Collect brewed from the calculation of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Take the decoction according to the same scheme as the previous one.