Chill or allergy - how to distinguish?

Negative reactions of the immune system to various kinds of irritants manifest themselves as a variety of symptoms, the most common of which is a skin rash. The main problem of diagnosis is the difficulty in differentiating such rashes and other pathologies. Most often it is not clear whether there is a perspiration or allergy - how to know one disease from another is well known to experienced dermatologists, while it is almost impossible to determine the cause of the rash.

What is the difference between sweating and allergies?

The principal difference between the diseases under consideration lies in the factors that provoke them.

Sweating occurs on the background of irritation of the epidermis due to inadequate ventilation and skin hygiene, excessive secretion of sweat. Aggravates the situation combing pimples, wearing tight synthetic clothes, excess weight.

Allergic rash is formed due to close contact with various stimuli to which the immune system is sensitive. It can also itch, but is more prone to inflammation.

Also, the difference between sweating and allergy is the appearance of the rashes. In the first case, the following types of rashes may be present on the skin:

  1. Red. Small red pimples with a dense nodule in the center, do not merge, strongly itch, they give tangible discomfort.
  2. Crystalline. White or pinkish vesicles up to 2 mm in diameter, prone to unification. After rupture of blisters on the epidermis, peeling occurs.
  3. Deep. Large reddish vesicles, reaching 3-4 mm. The skin around the rashes is also hyperemic.

Hives or an allergic rash is characterized by such varieties of rash:

Apparently, visually described pathologies are very similar, and only a professional is able to put the correct differential diagnosis. Assuming the origin of the rash, you can, if you pay attention to the localization of its elements.

Pimples of sweating occur usually in places of increased sweating and body temperature - on the elbow and knee folds, shoulder girdle, neck, in the bottom of the buttocks, underarms, behind the ears, especially in long-haired women.

Allergic rashes have a completely different location. They are most often formed on the hands and face, less often on the legs and hips, abdomen, chest.

Another important difference is the presence of concomitant symptoms. With standard cotton, there is no tearing, headache, photophobia, cough and rhinitis, whereas for allergies all of the listed signs are classic symptoms. Additionally it can be observed:

How to distinguish food or other allergy from perspiration in adults?

If to find out a difference between the presented pathologies it is difficult even taking into account all above-stated features of their current, it is necessary to spend the simple test.

Here's how to determine - sweating or allergies:

  1. Find the area with the most rashes.
  2. Hand fingers gently stretch the skin in the selected area.
  3. Carefully consider the changes in the rash.

If, during stretching, the pimples disappear or become practically invisible, probably the cause of their appearance is sweating, since surface rashes are characteristic for this condition. Otherwise, there is an allergic reaction.