Camphor oil - application

Camphoric oil is, first and foremost, a medical product used for asthma, epilepsy, bronchitis, gout, arthritis and rheumatism, as well as neuroses and arrhythmias. If before it was injected inside, now because of many side effects it is attributed only externally.

It is obtained from the wood of the Japanese laurel, which grows in Japan, China and Taiwan by distillation with steam. Despite the fact that it is widely used in the treatment of serious diseases, the use of camphor oil is also realized in cosmetology: so, it is known that camphor oil is added to creams for oily skin of the face, as well as to anti-acne agents.

There are two kinds of camphor oil: white and brown. It is the first species that interests us in this article, where we will consider how this tool can be used for the benefit of its beauty.

The healing properties of camphor oil

White camphor oil has a strong aroma and a yellowish color. Due to the fact that it has a mass of useful substances, white camphor oil is widely used in cosmetology: from the treatment of acne and ending with the smoothing of wrinkles. Hardly any more such natural remedies that can get rid of scars, wrinkles, strengthen eyelashes and accelerate their growth, and also cure acne are hardly typed.

All these cosmetic effects are achieved thanks to the unique rich and complex composition of the oil, which ultimately has the following effects on the skin:

Together with this camphor oil is known as a wonderful means to strengthen the eyelashes and eyebrows, if they are brittle, have insufficient length or grow poorly.

How to apply camphor oil?

Camphor oil for eyelashes

Of course, everyone knows that any effective tool for strengthening eyelashes contains castor oil. But to further enhance the effect and speed up the process of their recovery, camphor oil is added to it.

So, for our money will be needed: a small capacity, 1 tbsp. l. castor oil and 7 drops of etheric camphor. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to it beforehand bought or prepared - washed with a brush from the bottle of carcass. The agent is applied and left on eyelashes for the night. It can also be applied only for 1 hour and rinse, if discomfort is felt. The procedure should be carried out daily for a month, so that the effect is fixed for a long time.

Camphoric oil from acne

To cure acne, you need to make a mixture of several oils and use them as a mask or lotion.

To do this you need a small container, 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oil, 1 tsp. Cumin oil and 6 drops of camphor. All the ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face as a mask or as a cleanser, which is then washed off with water.

If the agent is used as a mask, clay can be added to it, and, mixing the ingredients to a uniform creamy mass, apply to the face for 15 minutes.

Camphor oil from wrinkles

To strengthen the skin, mix the grape seed oil and milk thistle in an equal amount - 2 tbsp. l., to which add 7 drops of camphor oil. Then apply the mixture on your face and apply a cotton napkin on top. After 15 minutes, this remedy for wrinkles is washed off and a moisturizing face cream is applied.

If the skin around the eyes lost elasticity, then you can use camphor oil and for the eyelids: mix in equal proportions the peach, grape, castor and camphor oil. Use this tool you need for make-up remover or as a mask, which is left for 15-30 minutes, and then washed off with water.

Camphor oil for eyebrows

To strengthen and grow your eyebrows, take 2 tbsp. l. castor oil and 6 drops of camphor, and then mix them. Every day, apply the mixture on the eyebrows with a brush for the night, and the effect will not be long: in a week the difference will be obvious.

Camphoric oil from scars

To eliminate keloid scars use compresses with this oil. Take a sterile bandage and soak it in oil, then apply cellophane and secure the compress. The first time it is best to hold it for about an hour, and if there are no unpleasant sensations, then in the following days (the procedure must be carried out daily for a month) it can be left for the whole night.