Inhalation solution

The saline solution is a 0.9% mixture of sodium chloride (salt) with purified water. Its name is due to the similarity of the chemical composition to the plasma of human blood. Physiological solution for inhalations is used both as an independent medicinal product, and for dilution of potent medicinal preparations.

How to prepare saline solution for inhalation?

If you want to make the product on your own, you need to buy table salt, preferably fine, so that it dissolves well, and also prepare 1 liter of pure boiled water.

Here's how to make saline for inhalations for a nebulizer:

  1. Warm the water to a temperature of 50-60 degrees.
  2. Add in it a full teaspoon of salt (9-10 g).
  3. Stir until the sodium chloride is completely dissolved.

It is important to note that the resulting saline is not sterile, which means it is stored for a short time and can contain bacteria. Therefore, doctors, as a rule, recommend buying a ready-made drug in the pharmacy network. Especially convenient is the release form in disposable ampoules, since their volume is ideal for one procedure.

Inhalation with saline solution for coughing

First of all, you need to pay attention to the indications for the performance of inhalations:

Usually, physiological saline is prescribed to treat pathologies that are accompanied by a dry cough. It, in combination with mucolytic drugs, promotes the rapid dilution of viscous mucus and its effective separation, facilitating respiration and reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Basically, when coughing, saline is used in mixtures with the following medicines:

Also widely used are natural antiseptic, decongestants and expectorants:

Inhalation of saline with rhinitis

With nasal congestion, which is accompanied by strong drying of the mucous membrane and the formation of yellow-green crusts, you can use physiological solution yourself, without additives. This will moisten the inner surface of the nasal sinuses and facilitate the departure of the common cold.

Preparations for inhalation, which are recommended to mix with saline:

It is worth noting that the juice of Kalanchoe and aloe can provoke a sneeze and an allergic reaction. In such cases, the procedure should not be repeated.

How to replace saline for inhalations?

If you do not have time to buy the drug and can not prepare it yourself, doctors advise you to choose from the following:

Also suitable for sterile water for injection.

Do not use ordinary boiled or filtered water. During inhalation, the pairs settle in the deep sections of the bronchi and lungs, and bacteria contained in the crude solution can enter the respiratory tract, aggravating the course of the disease.