Milk mushroom - useful properties and contraindications

Milk fungus, which has useful properties and contraindications, is a natural antibiotic. It helps to remove toxins, poisons and other undesirable substances from the body. The fungus grows in the form of a spherical substance of white color. It is considered small, since in the final stage it reaches only 60-70 millimeters. It looks like cottage cheese or cauliflower.

Useful properties of milk mushroom

Milk mushroom, having some contraindications is considered more useful than many vitamin complexes. With the help of it, important microelements are formed by nature, which favorably affect the human body. This fungus has many useful properties:

Application of milk mushroom

The main product, which is prepared with the help of milk fungus, is kefir - although it has some contraindications, the medicinal properties clearly outweigh the list. The recipe is simple.

Kefir from a milk mushroom


Preparation and use

The mushroom should be washed and placed in a glass jar. Add milk at room temperature, cover with gauze. Leave for a day. Should get kefir, which is filtered through a plastic sieve. Do not use metal utensils. After that, the mushroom is washed and again placed in a vessel with milk to prepare the next batch.

Ready kefir should just eat every day. The first changes will be visible after a week of reception. The duration of treatment depends on the disease, its stages, and can vary from two months to several years.

Contraindications Tibetan milk mushroom

Despite the fact that it has a lot of useful properties, it all has some limitations for widespread use. For example, products obtained as a result of contact with the fungus are prohibited to people with diabetes mellitus. The whole point is that it contributes to the development of elements incompatible with insulin. In addition, it is undesirable to consume kefir to people with certain fungal ailments. If there are such suspicions - it is better to first consult with a specialist about this issue.

It is not necessary to add kefir in the diet in case of acute intestinal disturbance. The fact is that it only promotes gas generation, which activates the processes in the digestive tract. Despite the fact that its beneficial have a positive effect on allergies and lung diseases, milk fungus is contraindicated in people with bronchial asthma .

It is important to remember that foods cooked from a mushroom are combined poorly with alcohol and more often all cause indigestion. It is also undesirable to drink the resulting kefir together with any medicines. It takes a minimum of three hours.

It is important to note the personal intolerance of dairy products. Tibetan fungus is not able to dull the action of the elements responsible for this. Therefore, drinks created in this way can not be taken by people of the appropriate group.

During consumption of yogurt you need to remember the main thing - everything should be in moderation. Drink in small portions. Excessive reception of this product can lead to very different unpleasant consequences.