Folk remedies for sore throat - the best recipes, time-tested

In addition to acute respiratory diseases, there are many reasons why the throat suddenly starts to hurt. From this unpleasant phenomenon you want to get rid as quickly as possible without harm to the body. For this, there are folk remedies for sore throat, which gently relieve discomfort and inflammation.

Why does my throat hurt?

The reasons why it hurts the throat and painfully swallow a few, they can be:

As a result of the defeat of a viral or bacterial infection, the mucous membrane of the throat and pharyngeal tonsils become inflamed, and in the throat there are painful sensations of varying strength: from unpleasant persecution to the impossibility of swallowing saliva. When the throat hurts, the folk remedies that can be found in each medicine cabinet are the first to go into action, because they are always at hand and cost a penny compared to expensive drugs. Among the common diseases that cause pain:

How to treat the throat with folk remedies?

From time immemorial, the treatment of the throat with folk remedies is a sure and reliable way to gently influence the body without medication. Especially, this method will suit allergy sufferers and small children, for whom the minimal influence of chemistry is very important. Natural remedies do not act as intensively as pharmacies, but they do not harm the body and even strengthen local immunity. All kinds of folk therapy are used:

Sore throat - rinse

The simplest treatment with painful sensations and perspiration is gargling at home. For this purpose, use freshly prepared decoctions and infusions that reduce swelling, pain and gradually reduce the inflammation of soft tissues. In order for a homemade medicine to have an effect, you need to rinse every 1-2 hours. To this end, use:

Compresses for throat

Such folk remedies for sore throats, like compresses, are effective at night, although throat treatment with folk remedies in adults is possible in this way in the daytime. With the help of compresses, inflammation is removed and pain syndrome decreases. that such treatment has helped or assisted, the compress needs to be kept not less than five-six hours. It is important to know that at a temperature above 37.5 ° C this type of treatment is contraindicated, as for children under five and pregnant women. For compresses are used:

Inhalation from sore throat

Those people who practice traditional methods of treating the throat, know about the healing power of inhalations. With their help, the mucous membrane of the throat is softened and moistened and inflammation is removed. For those who do not know how to cure the throat with folk remedies, it is recommended to try these methods of non-traditional treatment:

What to drink from a sore throat?

Folk recipes for sore throat will not be effective if you take "wrong" drink. Everything that is used must be necessarily warm. In no case should tea or other beverages be cold or hot. Here what folk remedies for severe sore throat can be used:

Oils for the throat

Very well helps to treat the throat of folk remedies at home using natural oils. They soften, remove irritation, gradually reduce the inflammatory process and positively affect the local microflora. Oils have a regenerating, bactericidal and analgesic effect. Those who do not know how to cure the throat folk remedies quickly, it is recommended to lubricate the throat or use as a rinse:

Treatment of the throat folk remedies during pregnancy

Unfortunately, future mothers are not immune from diseases. During the carrying out of a child it is important not to allow the harmful effects of medicines on the body. The popular treatment of the throat during this period is the most optimal. Recipes for sore throats during pregnancy are very simple and at the same time effective.

Rinse with honey


Preparation and use

  1. The water can be heated to 40 ° C.
  2. Dissolve honey in warm water.
  3. Add soda to the solution.
  4. Gargle every hour.

Chocolate treatment - recipe


Preparation and use

  1. To soften to a liquid state honey and butter.
  2. Mix with the liquid part of the aloe and cocoa juice, stirring thoroughly.
  3. Eat up to 5 times a day for 1 tsp. therapeutic mixture.

Decoction of herbs - recipe


Preparation and use

  1. Take in the same quantities of the ingredients of the mixture.
  2. Based on 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials 1 st. water.
  3. Water boil and pour dry ingredients, then wrap the container in several towels for brewing.
  4. After cooling, drain the solution and rinse it every 2 hours.