Rinse throat with sore throat

Everyone occasionally encounters an unpleasant moment of persecution or sore throat. These sensations are usually provoked by pathogenic viruses or bacteria. To get rid of the source of pain and restore normal mucosa in angina, regular rinsing of the throat is recommended by various methods. Therefore, to alleviate the symptoms used as a pharmacy, and folk.

Rinse throat Myramistin with angina

For one rinse session you need 15 ml of Miramistin. This solution does not require dilution with water, rinse throat with a clean agent. Try rinsing up to four times a day. Miramistin effectively and quickly destroy bacteria and viruses that provoked inflammation of the mucous throat. The product itself is without taste, so it will not cause unpleasant sensations.

Rinse throat with chlorhexidine in angina

Another of the available pharmacies is a ready-made solution of Chlorhexidine . It is necessary for a single dose only a teaspoon of the drug. Rinsing is carried out for 20-30 seconds with a frequency of twice a day. Be careful that the solution can not be swallowed.

Rinse throat with angina with Furacilin tablets

These pills can be bought at any pharmacy. Their price is low enough, so this rinse is available to everyone. Furacilin will quickly alleviate the symptoms of angina.

For the manufacture of this solution requires:

  1. Grind one Furacilin tablet.
  2. The resulting powder is dissolved in 200 ml of warm water.
  3. Such treatment should be conducted up to five times during the day.

In addition to the stated preparations for gargling with angina, there are also home remedies that will help calm and relieve mucositis. The methods are very simple, so you can easily make them yourself from the ingredients, many of which you will find at home.

Gargling with sore throat soda

This method is one of the time-tested self-treatment measures. It will be easy for you to prepare this solution:

  1. A teaspoon of baking soda should be dissolved in a glass of water.
  2. Bring some solution into the mouth, tilt the head back and rinse for at least 10 seconds.
  3. Continue rinsing until the water runs out in the glass.
  4. The procedure requires a repetition every two hours.

If this rinse does not give the desired results within two to three days, you should give up self-medication and seek immediate medical attention.

Rinse throat with propolis solution in angina

Propolis is a good antiseptic in rinsing the throat with angina. It is easy to buy in a pharmacy in the form of a 10% solution. To prepare the rinse it is necessary to dilute in a glass of water one teaspoon of propolis. The rinse procedure should be repeated up to six or seven times a day.

Rinse throat with angina chamomile

It is best to start rinsing with chamomile, as soon as you feel a slight sore throat. It is not difficult to make such a decoction. For this:

  1. Add a handful of dried chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Allow to stand under the closed lid for up to five minutes.
  3. Rinse every three hours with a warm broth.

This is a good home method of rinsing your throat even when purulent sore throat is detected.

Gargling with a calendula sore throat

Another effective natural remedy for rinsing the sore throat with angina is calendula. You can use not only dried flowers, but also tincture purchased at the pharmacy.

To prepare a rinse solution, you need:

  1. Add 2 teaspoons of calendula tincture to one glass of warm water.
  2. Gargle no more than three times a day.

In addition to easing the pain in the throat, the calendula rinse will strengthen your immune system, necessary to fight the infection.