Cinnamon - contraindications

Such a popular spice, like cinnamon, has long been used in cooking. However, the presence in it of many important elements allowed to apply it in folk medicine, in cosmetology and in the fight against excess weight. But, despite all the benefits, has cinnamon contraindications that need to be studied before you start using this spice.

Cinnamon treatment - contraindications and benefits

This product is widely used in home medicine to combat many ailments:

  1. The presence of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in cinnamon made it possible to use it as an auxiliary for fighting infections of various kinds. Regular addition of spices to dishes helps slow down the growth of bacteria.
  2. The use of cinnamon with food improves the digestion process, helps to overcome flatulence and promotes the removal of gases from the body. The addition of this spice eliminates the excessive acidity of the stomach, diarrhea. Cinnamon is also effective in poisoning, vomiting and intestinal disorders.
  3. In combination with decoctions of herbs, cinnamon is used as a means to combat depression, memory impairment, decreased efficiency, and age-related changes in the nervous system.
  4. Due to the ability of cinnamon to reduce inflammation and normalize the sugar content in the blood, it is recommended to use in diabetes mellitus in the absence of serious contraindications.
  5. Cinnamon is a good way to prevent migraine attacks and headaches. Seasoning improves blood flow, which is necessary to power cells and saturate tissues with oxygen.

In addition to useful qualities, cinnamon has contraindications for use. Do not advise her to conduct treatment in such cases:

  1. Do not add cinnamon to people who are prone to internal bleeding.
  2. Refuse the use of seasonings followed by pregnant women, as cinnamon leads to a reduction in the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.
  3. Contraindicated spice to people who are highly sensitive to cinnamon.
  4. Since cinnamon has a tonic effect, it is not recommended for use with increased excitability.

Cinnamon - benefits and contraindications for losing weight

Actively used seasoning as a means to reduce weight. The ability of cinnamon to reduce sugar in the blood can reduce fat deposits and normalize the metabolic process. Its use for weight loss is also in the rapid saturation of the body and the removal of toxins.

Kefir with cinnamon - contraindications

The content of beneficial bacteria in kefir leads to normal functioning of the stomach and relieves the body of constipation. Take the remedy so:

  1. A glass of kefir with a half-spoonful of cinnamon diluted in it to insist for fifteen minutes.
  2. Drink before each meal.

The combination of kefir with cinnamon has its contraindications. It should be avoided when:

Cinnamon with honey - contraindications

This mixture has a truly healing properties. It cleanses the body of harmful substances, eliminates bacteria that harm the work of the stomach. Tea from cinnamon is prepared as follows:

  1. In a cup of boiling water, pour half a small spoonful of cinnamon.
  2. Half an hour later, they put a spoonful of honey and drink half a glass of tea in the evening.
  3. The rest is put in the fridge and drunk in the morning.

Lose weight with these products should not be the following groups of people: