Chronic bronchitis - treatment with folk remedies

Very often the consequence of catarrhal diseases, bronchitis and pneumonia is a regularly occurring cough, it is also called chronic. Provoke it can smoking, hypothermia, harmful working conditions and even an allergic reaction. During the exacerbation, doctors prescribe a large number of medicines: antibiotics, expectorants, bronchodilators, immunomodulators. After long-term drug treatment of chronic bronchitis, people start using folk remedies, which are very easy to prepare on their own.

In this article, you will find out whether it is possible to cure chronic bronchitis at all, and by what folk methods at home can effectively treat.

Folk remedies for chronic bronchitis - tinctures and decoctions

Recipe # 1:

  1. We take 500 g of onions, crush and pile into a container.
  2. Add 400 g of sugar and 50 g of honey.
  3. Fill all this with one liter of water and put on a small fire for 3 hours.
  4. Then we let the resulting mass cool and filter it.
  5. This broth is taken in 20 ml every 3 hours.

Recipe # 2:

  1. Take the root of the medicinal marshmallow, the herb of creeping thyme, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother in 2 parts and add to them a leaf of sage and dill fruits in 1 part.
  2. We mix all the herbs well.
  3. We measure 20 g of this collection, fall asleep in a bowl, pour 250 ml of hot water and put it on a water bath.
  4. Heat the tincture in this way for 15-20 minutes and remove.
  5. We add the boiled water and set it to cool.
  6. Then you need to strain and drink 80 ml in 6 hours.

Recipe # 3:

  1. Mix in equal shares a leaf of a sage, flowers of a linden and elderberry, dried berries and leaves of a raspberry.
  2. Take 2 tablespoons of this collection, pour boiling water (250 ml) and insist an hour.
  3. Tincture to drink warm, before a dream.

Recipe # 4:

  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of licorice root pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. We insist 15 minutes, and drink hot, wrapped in a blanket.
  3. Take such a decoction every day, until recovery.

The use of fats

In the treatment of chronic bronchitis is very effective use of badger, pig, goat and even bear fat. They can be dissolved in warm milk and drink, do triturations on their basis and even take 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon, if necessary mixed with honey in a ratio of 3 to 1. You can also do it differently:

  1. Take 1 part of the leaves of aloe, pork or cow fat and honey in 2 parts.
  2. Mix and set for 5 hours in an oven with a high temperature.
  3. The resulting mixture must be cooled and placed in the refrigerator.
  4. Take 3 times a day, adding milk to 5 ml.

To make a compress with fat, you should:

  1. On paper, apply a thin layer of lard (holding it while doing something warm).
  2. Sprinkle with alcohol and put on your back and chest.
  3. Then cover with an oilcloth and wrap the breast with a warm cloth.

Honey and radish from chronic bronchitis

It is very popular in the prescriptions of folk remedies for chronic bronchitis honey, which can be added to decoctions, tinctures and make compresses on its basis. Radish is also very often used. For example, you can mix radish juice with honey in a 1: 1 ratio and take it daily.

And you can also:

  1. Take a large radish, cut a hole in it (approximate diameter 3 cm) and put 1 tsp into it. honey, which is already candied and covered.
  2. Put it must be in a small bowl.
  3. The next day, the resulting juice to drink.
  4. Cut a little pulp and add 1 tsp. honey.

The course lasts 1-2 weeks, during which every day you have to drink all formed juice, if it is not, then the vegetable must be replaced.

Inhalation in chronic bronchitis

Supplement the treatment listed folk remedies can be inhaled with the help of a compression inhaler. Or just breathe a couple of boiled potatoes, soda or herbal decoctions. This is especially true in pregnancy, and if there are contraindications for the use of other drugs.

Knowing how to treat chronic bronchitis at home, you can save money and get rid of this problem, as well as increase your immunity .