Crown of the vulva

Kraurosis of the vulva is a serious female disease, characterized by atrophy of the skin and vulvar mucosa, leading to deformation and impairment of the functions of the external genitalia. This pathology is associated with regressive changes in multilayer flat epithelium and a gradual replacement with a coarse connective tissue.

Crourosis is most common in older women, especially during menopause. In young people it is rare.

Croula vulva - the symptoms

The main symptoms are severe itching and a feeling of tightness, which worsen after taking a bath or physical exertion. Such unpleasant feelings are caused by disturbances in the work of the vulva receptors. Also characteristic are dryness, changes in pigmentation, elasticity of the skin and mucous membranes. Often the first manifestations are sharp tingling and pain during intercourse.

At the initial stage, swelling and redness of large and small labia occurs. After that, dryness and roughness of the skin and mucous membrane are observed, they acquire a strained appearance. Over time, the labia minora and clitoris are practically not determined, the lumen of the urethra and vagina greatly narrows.

Previous kraurosis can and leukoplakia (the appearance of whitish plaque and outgrowths). The combination of kraurosis and leukoplakia of the vulva threatens the appearance of cancer, so at the first alarming symptoms, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Diagnosis krauroza possible already on a gynecological examination. Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid various complications and ease the course of the disease.

The causes of crourosis of the vulva

The causes of this disease are not fully understood. It is known that hormonal changes exert a greater influence. Also kraurosis can become a consequence of surgical interventions or transferred infections.

It is noticed that most often kraurosis appears in women with psychological disorders, subject to stress and depression.

Kraurosis of the vulva - treatment

Treatment of kraurosis is a rather complex process, requiring a long and comprehensive approach.

The main goal is to remove symptoms, so basically the treatment is of an individual nature. While there is no universal way how to treat kraurosis of the vulva.

Most prescription drugs include antihistamines, anesthetics, antiseptics, tannins and plant components that have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects.

For local treatment, hormonal ointments containing progesterones, estrogens and androgens are used. It must also be remembered that the hormonal composition of the drug used always depends on the patient's age.

Among the new methods, laser treatment of kraurosis predominates. Improvement of the general condition comes after 5-7 procedures: the itching disappears, nervous tension decreases, and the results of laboratory tests improve.

In hazardous cases, surgery may be required.

Kraurosis of vulva - treatment with folk remedies

Relief brings washings of chamomile broths, turns, celandine and calendula. Also, calendula can be used to hold sedentary baths before going to bed. In the morning brew the flowers and insist them until the evening. After such trays it is desirable to treat the inflamed place with sea buckthorn oil.

It is recommended to use tar soap during the washings, and add a little soda to the water. Then you should use a baby cream.

It's good to do compresses to the affected places. In crushed parsley, add egg white, a pinch of salt and mix, apply the mixture on gauze and apply to the genitals.