Shugaring at home

Beautiful and smooth skin today is not just a whim of a woman, it has long been the norm and excess hair causes indignation in society. The easiest way today and always is to use a razor. But the result is very short-lived, and the cuts on the feet look somewhat vulgar. Choosing a way to depilation at home, a woman is looking for a balance between the effectiveness and painlessness of the method. Shugaring at home appeared not so long ago, but managed to become very popular among women. The method is relatively painless, the problem of hair on the body for a long time ceases to alarm. All that is needed for slogging is sugar, patience and little practice. The terrible overseas word "shugaring" means only sugar depilation. Recently, in the salons of very impressionable clients who are afraid of waxing even for the hundredth time, they offer to try depilation with sugar paste.

Advantages of slugging

The technique of slugging has several very serious advantages:

How to cook shugaring?

There are several recipes for making pasta for shugaring. You can prepare a liquid paste, which is applied and removed by a strip of paper, as in the technique of wax depilation. And you can make a thicker paste that will look like caramel and it can be crumpled in your hands. Shugaring bikini at home is suitable for shy individuals who find it difficult to undress before an outsider. In this case it is more convenient to use the recipe for liquid paste. You can use "caramel", but at home, it's much easier to make a shugaring bikini with the help of strips: you can stretch the skin a little for high-quality depilation, and morally prepare for "jerk" is easier.

Of all the possible, this recipe is perhaps the most successful:



The mixture has the property to darken after being removed from the fire, so it's better to be a little undercooked. We pour everything into a clean container and wait for the mixture to cool. Next, we paste the paste with wooden sticks and apply strips of paper for depilation. We take off, as when depilating wax, against hair growth. Before depilation, it is necessary to treat the skin with a tonic and apply talcum powder. After the procedure, moisten the skin with lotion.

How to make shugaring with a firm paste?

This method is slightly different from the previous technique of applying paste. In this case, the sugar paste is applied not against, but along the hair growth. This slightly reduces the pain, significantly reduces the likelihood of ingrown hair, and one ball is enough to depilate one leg to the knees.

How to prepare a hard paste for slurping:

