Birch Juice for Hair

Birch juice is best used for hair as a rinse lotion, this will give the shine a shine and make them more elastic. But there are other ways to apply birch juice in order to improve your hair.

What is useful for birch juice for hair?

Most of the birch juice is water, but this water is very soft and clean, since its purpose is to bring nutrients even to the furthest branch of the tree, so that the kidneys gather strength and blossom into leaves. Water from birch sap can not be compared with tap water, or even with the most expensive mineral, this is a real gift of nature.

In addition, the juice has many minerals, there are tannins and a fair share of vitamin C. Increased acidity is very useful for hair, since it neutralizes the action of detergents, destroys the silicone film that remains on the strands after applying most shampoos. Well, the nutritional properties of birch sap strengthen hair follicles and saturate the scalp.

The benefits of birch sap for hair are appreciated by our grandmothers who rinsed the braids and washed their faces. This is a kind of analogue of the modern tonic lotion!

How to wash hair with birch sap?

There are several options for using birch sap. Those who want to abandon the use of industrial shampoos and conditioners , useful recipe for washing the head with juice:

  1. Take 1 glass of birch juice and 4 tbsp. spoons of rye flour. Stir, but not too intensively, to avoid splitting of gluten and the appearance of a dough.
  2. Apply the mixture to the roots of the hair, massage it a little. Spread the entire length, leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Try to rinse the product with cool, lukewarm water, otherwise the flour will brew and get rid of it will be difficult.
  4. When the hair becomes completely clean, you can additionally rinse them with birch sap.

There are other recipes for hair products with birch sap. It is useful to rinse them hair after each wash, but after all juice - perishable product, so it is better to prepare a lotion from it, which can be stored for a long time:

  1. Mix 2 cups of juice, a glass of vodka and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  2. Pour into a bottle of dark glass, put in the refrigerator.
  3. Rub the lotion into the roots of the hair before each wash, leave it under the hood for 5-10 minutes. This will help to accelerate the growth of hair and improve their appearance.

Mask for hair from birch juice consists of juice, honey and burdock oil in equal proportions. It should be applied to the head for at least 30 minutes 2 times a week.