Symptoms of menstruation

Regular and painless menstrual discharge is a sign of the woman's excellent health from the part of the reproductive system. Unfortunately, a rare representative of the fair sex can boast of the fact that her monthly come "like clockwork" and absolutely do not cause her any concern.

In most cases, some time before the onset of menstruation, girls and women cover the unexplained anxiety and anxiety associated with changes in the hormonal background in her body. Especially strongly in this situation, young teenage girls begin to worry, who do not yet fully realize what exactly is happening to them.

To always be "fully armed," you need to know the signs of the approaching menstruation, and also in what cases before the onset of menstruation, a panic can really be justified.

The first signs of monthly

Determine when the monthly starts in girls, you can by the following signs:

To be frightened of similar changes it is not necessary, after all it is absolutely normal during an increase. If something goes wrong, for example, a girl from the vagina has unusual discharge with an unpleasant odor, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Signs of the onset of menstruation in adult women

In adult women, the approach of another menstruation can manifest itself in completely different ways. Someone does not even notice any signs and is surprised to find stains of blood on his panties, while others are unbearably tormented by pain and other unpleasant sensations already 2 weeks before the onset of discharge.

In most cases, the symptoms that indicate a rapid onset of menstruation appear as follows:

The nature of the discharge from the genital tract in adult women on the threshold of menstruation usually does not change, although the amount of whites may increase. If, shortly before the menstrual period, you find unusual discharge, it is better to see a doctor for a detailed examination.

In the vast majority of situations, an unexpected and sudden change in color and odor of discharge is a symptom of an infectious or inflammatory process in the vaginal area that must be identified and stopped as soon as possible. Otherwise, development of serious complications, including infertility and pathological miscarriage, is possible.