Potato sprouts - joint treatment

Potatoes are not only a tasty and satisfying product, but an effective remedy for a number of diseases. Crude potatoes are used as a folk cosmetic means for smoothing the complexion and smoothing out superficial wrinkles.

Potatoes as a medicinal product

Squeezed from the potato juice is recommended for use with gastritis, ulcers. Grated potato tubers have long been used in non-traditional medicine for treatment:

It is less known that tincture of potato sprouts is used for diseases of the joints. And potato sprouts - one of the most effective means in the treatment of joint diseases, thanks to the solanine contained in the root crop. Like any poison, solanine in minimum doses is able to have a therapeutic effect.

Tincture of potato sprouts for joints

To prepare the medicine for the joints, sprouts with sprouted and green potatoes are about 5 cm long. It is in such growths that solanine is contained in the necessary concentration.



White sprouts of potatoes are cut off from tubers, washed, crushed in a blender or in a meat grinder and stacked in a glass jar. Sprouts pour vodka, so they were completely covered with liquid. The can is sealed and placed in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. The finished solution has a brown color. It is filtered and used for grinding.

Tincture of potato sprouts is used for pain in the joints, rubbing into places where there are pronounced painful sensations. Rubbing should be performed daily, 1-2 times a day. Can be applied compresses of potato-vodka tincture, covering them with film on top and wrapping a warm kerchief. The warming-anesthetic compress is aged for 2 hours. It is advisable to do medical procedures before bedtime for several weeks.

Many patients suffering from arthrosis, who have tried the treatment of joints with potatoes, note that the tincture is a full-fledged replacement of such pharmaceuticals as Diclofenac , Ibuprofen, etc. It perfectly removes pain and swelling.

For greater effect, it is recommended to alternate compresses of tincture on potato sprouts with applications of yellow-brown clay.