Ambidextr - the pros and cons of ambidextory

Ambidextr is a person who harmoniously develops the left and right hemispheres of the brain, but does this mean harmonious development and what are the characteristics of such people? Ambidextrous can be developed - this is useful for both left-handed and right-handed people. Intuition, imaginative thinking along with iron will and logic help to be successful in any kind of activity.

Ambidextr - what is it?

Ambidextra is a person with equally developed functions of both hands (Latin ambi - both, dexter - right), right and left hand - both leading. Ambidextria is divided into congenital and acquired in the course of special exercises and training. It is noteworthy that observation of children showed that approximately to 5-6 years of age, all children are equally successful in their activities with two hands, suggesting that a person is born ambidextrom, then under the influence of society the leading right hand is formed and the left hemisphere develops .

Ambidextr - psychological features

Ambidextra - what kind of person is this, and how does ambidextra affect the brain? These issues are still largely open, because such people are very few on the planet Earth - only 1% of the total. The study of psychological features is conducted mainly by the method of observation, removal of the encephalogram and through the analysis of handwriting by graphologists. Ambidextures are of a contradictory nature, neurasthenic and very touchy throughout their lives, but among them are many brilliant, subtle people who show the world something of value: scientific discoveries, works of art.

Ambidextria - the pros and cons

Ambidextrous genius - so say the researchers. In a phenomenon like ambidexterity, there are positive and negative aspects that parents should pay attention to. Pros of this phenomenon:

Ambidextra minuses , clearly manifested in childhood:

Ambidextr - Causes

Ambidextria is more often a congenital feature, manifested in 0.4% of people. The reasons for the emergence of ambidextures are not completely clear. Scientist-geneticist V. Geodakyan, creator of the evolutionary theory of asymmetry of the brain and paired organs, carried out a huge number of studies, analyzed statistical data and found out that ambidexterity is characteristic for:

Causes of congenital ambidextra:

  1. Genetic. The presence of the LRRTM1 gene, which is also responsible for the development of schizophrenia (among schizophrenics, more ambidextures).
  2. During the development of the fetus, the left hemisphere at some point begins to develop more rapidly and intensively than the right hemisphere. Intrauterine hypoxia or other adverse factors affecting the fetus cause oppression of the development of the left hemisphere and such a baby is born left-handed or ambidextrous.

Ambidexter - signs

Ambidextra people are bright personalities, successful at once in several spheres of life. The symptoms of ambidexterity are specific and are recognized during observation of a child or an adult at work:

Ambidextra - how to develop?

The development of ambidextory suggests that a person begins to better use the inherent creative potential through the formation of new neural connections and harmonization of the cerebral hemispheres. Right-handers begin to develop intuitive abilities in themselves, and left-handers, sometimes lacks logical reasoned thinking, which is abundant in right-handers. Training and exercises help to achieve both their goals.

Ambidextria - Exercises

Development ambidekstra in itself - it's not so difficult. Discipline and everyday practice will give results after a while. Exercises for the development of the second hand and synchronization of both hemispheres:

The most famous ambidextures

Among scientists-inventors, writers and people of show business there are a lot of brilliant personalities, which allows to judge what an innate or worked-out phenomenon is like ambidextory enhances creativity in a person. Famous ambidextures:

  1. Guy Julius Caesar . From the history books about the Roman politician and commander, it is known that he could simultaneously engage in several cases at the same time, which implies ambidecks.
  2. Nikola Tesla . Engineer-inventor, Nobel laureate researcher of alternating current and magnetic field.
  3. Tom Cruise . The American actor, who reduces his weak half of humanity with his dazzling smile - ambidextr. Equally masterly with both hands in various actions.
  4. Maria Sharapova . The famous Russian tennis player confidently plays tennis that right, that with her left hand.
  5. Til Lindemann . The frontman of the German band "Rammstein" has several professions and has mastered the game on several instruments, too, is included in a small percentage of people-ambidekstrov.