When to harvest the onions?

Green onion feathers on the salad we collect from the patch all summer, but when you harvest onions for turnips reliably know not all. To determine the availability of onions, there are several true signs.

Determine the time of harvest of onions

To catch the bow from the beds is necessary until the first frost. But how to determine whether bulbs are ready, because wait until late autumn is not necessary. If you see that his leaves have fallen, and the neck has dried, this indicates that it's time to harvest the onions.

If this does not happen, and freezing is soon, you can hurry the bow, digging it with pitchforks. Necessarily for a couple of weeks before the proposed collection you need to stop watering it - it will dry up faster. This, in addition, contributes to better storage of onions in winter.

In the central part of Russia, when it's time to harvest onions, it usually falls on the last days of July and lasts until mid-August. It is very important to remove the onions before the rains come. If the summer is cool, it's better not to hurry and wait until 10 August.

You can also define mathematically when you need to harvest the onions. Onions ripen in average for 68-83 days. And if you remember the number, when you sowed it, then it will not be difficult to calculate the time of collection. Take into account whether the summer was sunny or rainy. With a cool and "wet" summer, the maturation period increases and approaches the mark of 83 days.

When to harvest leeks?

This kind of onion is intended for selective summer use in food. Begin harvesting can be already 45-60 days after planting by thinning. Mass collection is carried out until October-November, provided that it grows in the southern regions. If you leave it for the second year, small rounded bulbs with a dense bottom will develop.