How to learn to be silent?

Surely in childhood, every person heard an excellent saying: silence is gold. In childhood she was misleading and even annoyed, because so many things I wanted to tell, so many to share, but suddenly it turned out that you need to remain silent, and this very silence is even better than talking. But with age, gradually comes to realize the truthfulness of this saying. Silence is gold. And this is really so. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to learn to be silent and listen, because you can learn so much all, if only to remain silent and begin to listen to the world around, and not just to your own voice. So how can you learn to remain silent - later in the article.

How to learn to be silent - practical advice

In general, it would seem, to learn to be silent is quite simple: you take and remain silent, instead of talking. But this process is simple only from such a practical point of view, because if we talk about psychology, then everything is much more complicated.

The need to speak for a person is one of the basic. After all, how else to express your feelings, thoughts, if not through words? Someone says a lot, because he can not cope with his emotions and he needs to throw them out. Someone, on the contrary, tries to fill in some void with words. But few people understand that sometimes it is worth learning to remain silent for a better understanding of yourself and the world around you.

The psychology of how to learn to remain silent is basically: to realize the importance of silence. Quite often the relations are destroyed by the heated words spoken, which, if you think about them, you probably would not have been uttered at all. But time to think about quite often simply is not present, because the person has so got used to speak, that is incapable to be contained.

The best practice of how to learn to remain silent and talk less is a vow of silence. It is worth trying first to remain silent for at least one day. If it is difficult to remain faithful to a simple promise, then you can make out of this bet on money with friends to first create for yourself an artificial motivation . After this day of silence, it is worth considering how much time and energy goes into conversations that are not at all necessary, and how many really important words remain unspeakable, lost in a meaningless stream of nonsense. And how many things we do not notice around, carried away by our own words! Silence, indeed, gold, this should not be forgotten in adulthood, although parents have already ceased to resemble this saying.