Free Relationships

Before entering a stormy and unpredictable river called "free relations", think: what do you need them for? What do you want from them? And what are you willing to sacrifice if things go wrong, as you planned?

What does the expression "free relations" mean?

Of course, we can say that this is the relationship of partners with a high level of self-realization and personal development, that is, independent, self-confident people who spend time together only because they feel good and comfortable together. No commitment, feeling, duty, jealousy or fear of loss. Everything is based solely on the free choice of both and readiness for any turn of events.

But the accomplished sexual revolution, it clearly points out to us that such freedom is implied not only in personal, but also in sexual, free relations. Those. you are ready to recognize not only for yourself, but also for your partner the right to "left".

If a guy insistently offers an open relationship - it's not surprising. For him, this has a lot of positive aspects: no obligations, no responsibility on his part. Perhaps this is not so important for you at this stage of the relationship, but still it would be nice to think about why a guy wants exactly free relations - why are they to him? And why do you need them?

Such a relationship is usually possible in two cases: either one of the couple is ready for anything, just to be close to someone he passionately loves, or this is a temporary relationship without emotional trepidation, out of pity or convenience, until it turns up something more worthwhile. On what place you feel more comfortable - choose yourself. One thing is clear: free sexual relations are the path of very mature and strong personalities who clearly know what they want and do not build unnecessary illusions about a partner, otherwise a scorched desert can permanently reside in the shower after this.

I think the most difficult thing in this business is to find out about the other girls of your boyfriend and take it easy, if, of course, you are not indifferent to him. In addition, cares, tenderness and even some certainty of each of us want every day. The final choice, of course, is yours, but always remember - you deserve the best. The one who is ready to take responsibility and take care of you, and not only to drive on night clubs on one to it known schedule. And this best, perhaps, somewhere near. Maybe it's worth looking around?

As for free relationships in marriage, there may be a variety of options. For example, a married couple lives together not because they have love and they are well together, but because they are so comfortable - they have common children, established everyday life, real estate, and sometimes business. In fact, this is, probably, even more so than the family in our understanding, how much such a kind of partnership.

Sometimes just a wife recognizes her husband's right to "left". And even somehow it explains it logically. For example, male polygamy or the fact that sorry for good girls, who never got a free man. At first glance, it may seem that this family also has free relations. But everything can be far from so unambiguous. It is better, before drawing conclusions, after all to ask her husband: "How do you feel about free relations in your family?" And, most likely, you will hear that the right to free sexual relations in the family he recognizes exclusively for himself, but what kind of freedom is this if the game only goes to one goal ?!

Of course, one can not lose sight of the younger generation, whose personal and family life can take on the most bizarre and independent forms. However, older generations can also start all the hard. In this age of crazy information race, it can always seem that something important is passing by and you need all have time to try to keep up with life, free sexual relations in this case look very tempting. In addition, often, deep, full-fledged and sincere relations can simply not remain neither time nor energy. And then again - which is easier? Free relations - and no one owes nothing to anyone, nothing but pleasure.

Of course, if this is a conscious choice of adult independent people without illusions, why not? Not everyone is ready to persistently seek his half or in her expectation to lead a monastic lifestyle. But the main thing is to remember that the family is not necessarily "lack of freedom", and harmonious relations are still possible!