Ammonia alcohol from a hangover

Ammonia is an aqueous 10% solution of ammonia. It is a clear liquid with a characteristic pungent odor. This substance is used in many spheres of life, including in medicine. In this article we will consider in more detail one method of using ammonia alcohol - from a hangover, but at first in general terms we will become acquainted with the properties of this remedy.

The action of ammonia

Ammonia alcohol is used to treat both folk and traditional medicine. With this tool you can get rid of warts and papillomas, reduce the unpleasant manifestations after insect bites. It is also used as an expectorant, for stimulating vomiting, for rubbing with neuralgia and myositis , for removing a person from the unconscious state.

Ammonium alcohol is used topically, internally, and also by inhalation. When inhaled ammonia is irritated receptors of the mucous membrane in the nose, which causes the excitation of the brain centers responsible for breathing and vascular tone. This solution has an effective antiseptic effect, and also acts distractingly and irritatingly, contributes to the improvement of tissue regeneration and trophism. It is able to influence the main focus in the body, supporting the pathological process, reducing pain and spasms.

Ammonia and alcohol

Ammonia is one of the most common drugs used in alcohol poisoning and hangover. To bring a drunk person to consciousness, it is recommended to bring to his nostrils a piece of bandage or cotton wool soaked in a given solution and hold for a few seconds. In severe intoxication, you can lubricate whiskey with ammonia.

After the person has come to consciousness, it is necessary to spend lavage of a stomach. To do this, you can drink water with the addition of ammonia (5-10 drops per half a cup of water). Such a solution promotes the appearance of a vomiting reflex. After purification of the stomach, it is recommended to take a sorbent (for example, activated charcoal).

For a quick sobering of a drunk person, you should give him a glass of cold water with the addition of 2-3 drops (with moderate intoxication) or 5-6 drops (with heavy intoxication) of ammonia. After this, it is recommended to use as much liquid as possible (water, tea, herbal infusions, compotes, etc.).

If a person used alcohol for a long time, then to return it to a normal state will help taking three drops a day 10 drops of ammonia, diluted in a glass of water.

It is worth considering that ammonia can not be used for epilepsy.