Medicinal plants and their use

Much time has passed since our ancestors were engaged only in gathering and eating roots: now we are surrounded by products of new technologies, including, and pharmacological, which cure many diseases. Nevertheless, the structure of the body and the basis of its functioning have not changed: we can still organize the work of systems and organs with the help of herbs, which in most cases do not have side effects, unlike chemical preparations. As people like to say in the people: "One pill treats and the other maims," ​​and although in this expression, and there is a maximum, but there is still some truth, you just have to look at the liner with instructions to the column "side effects" of a medication.

So, let's find out how you can use the power of herbs to help your body.

Medicinal plants for hypertension

For people who are prone to increased pressure, it will be useful to take decoctions of arnica, shepherd's bag and barberry - these medicinal plants pressurize the vessels from pressure, and therefore, with a sharp change of weather or a stressful situation, they will not react so sharply with constriction. In order to remove the already increased pressure, you need to take diuretics, which can be considered sporich, fennel and birch vise. Diuretic and diaphoretic action also has a dogrose, 15-20 berries which must be boiled for 30 minutes and then consumed in a cooled form.

Medicinal plants for colds

During a cold, it is important to drink such teas that contain a lot of vitamin C, or have a diuretic or diaphoretic effect. The first remedy for cold is tea made from raspberry branches. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy ready dried branches in a pharmacy, so it is better to prepare them yourself in the summer. Tea made from linden flowers will help to speed up the metabolic processes and therefore the body will be much easier to cope with the high temperature. Tea made from rose hips is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system: that's why it is desirable to drink it in moderation in the autumn and winter period, and during a cold from 5 mugs per day.

Medicinal plants for the liver

If the liver is broken, then the herbs that regulate bile secretion or have an antispasmodic effect are shown: immortelle, dandelion flowers, corn stigmas (increase bile formation); Fennel and barberry (help the bile to stand out in the intestines); mint, chamomile and oregano (relieve spasms). These herbs also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and in general, with proper selection, improve liver function. Also these medicinal plants are used for the intestines with constipation.

Medicinal plants for the stomach

For people with gastritis will help decoctions of chamomile flowers, as well as St. John's wort, marshmallows and calendula, which will help to remove inflammation. To help the stomach digest food, you need to drink a decoction of mint and yarrow.

Medicinal plants for kidney diseases

It is believed that tincture of birch buds is the best remedy for stones and sand in the kidneys, because it has a diuretic effect. Also, "kidney" herbs include oregano, nettle and melissa.

Medicinal plants with sedative effect

To calm the nervous system, make tea based on the roots of valerian and cones of hops. Alternatively, you can take a bath with these herbs: pour the pan with water and throw a mixture of these herbs in the gauze, then cook for 30 minutes. After that, add the broth to the bath and fill it with plain water - and the soothing bath will be ready.

Medicinal plants wound healing

To wound healing and bactericidal plants is, in the first place, chamomile, so for any wound can use it as an additional means of disinfection. Also in this list is the juice of aloe, which is applied to the affected area. Another plant that is used in a dried form for decoction to heal wounds is celandine. These same medicinal plants are used for various skin conditions during bathing.

Medicinal plants for joints

To mitigate the symptoms of radiculitis, you should drink a decoction from the leaves of eucalyptus, and during rheumatic attacks you need to take raw horseradish leaves and apply them to a sore spot. Also, rheumatism is helped by baths with a wormwood decoction. In the period of acute inflammation of the joints will help the willow bark, which is harvested in early spring: on its basis you need to make a decoction that is taken inward by ½ cup 4 times a day.