Why does heel shoes look like?

Heels represent the strength of will that is characteristic of a person or will manifest itself in the near future.

Why do shoes with high heels?

High heel - symbolizes attraction. From the height depends the level of libido (inclination). The higher, the greater. If the shoes are on high sharp heels, they dreamed of a man, then he will meet with the girl of dreams. The lack of a heel - says that the relationship is at the platonic level or the absence of a passion relationship.

What does a hairpin look like?

Symbolize the need to get erotic impressions and build relationships with a partner, it is rarely interpreted as a meeting with a man or sexual relations with him. For a more detailed interpretation, the color and style of the shoes are important.

Why do I wear red heels?

Expected situations that require decisive and swift action. Relationships will be passionate. It symbolizes the emergence of a new passionate novel.

What does black heeled shoes look like?

With a low heel - talking about the novel at work or with a business partner. If black shoes have a hairpin, then already the value is erotic. This will appeal to a colleague, business partner, etc., that is, perhaps, the appearance of a "service novel".

Why does he have a broken heel on his shoe?

Meaning is a feeling of self-doubt. Seeing a broken heel is a problem in the sexual sphere.

In addition, a broken heel has a number of meanings: buying new shoes, a quarrel with a loved one. There is also the opposite meaning - to marriage.

Shoes in a dream are basically a positive symbol. Talking about the emergence of a turning point in life, when all the bad events are in the past. To improve life, you have to work hard.