Birch leaves - useful properties

A beautiful birch tree is a symbol of Russian spaces, which also possesses valuable properties. For preventive and curative purposes, bark, kidneys, juice, resin and birch leaves are used. Even bee propolis is made from birch resin.

Useful properties of birch leaves

Birch leaves have useful properties due to their composition. They contain:

To treatment with birch leaves was effective, it is necessary to properly prepare them. Collection of foliage should begin after collection of juice, usually in May and June, when they are still fragrant and sticky. For drying, they are placed in a cool, dark place on paper sheets, 3 cm layer. They are periodically mixed, and then stored in glass jars or textile bags for no more than 2 years.

Application of birch leaves

  1. Birch leaves are used in the treatment of ulcers and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchitis and viral diseases. If you cook a decoction or infusion only from birch leaves, then you will receive an effective remedy for the treatment of pneumonia and tuberculosis.
  2. Birch leaves help get rid of lamblia, they have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. They are also used to relieve the condition with lesions of the liver, duodenum and gallbladder.
  3. Very often, birch leaves are added to sedatives, with the help of which they conduct therapy with neuroses, beriberi and chronic stress.
  4. Irreplaceable birch leaves with reduced immunity. They are taken as an immunomodulating agent in seasons of epidemics and colds.
  5. It is not only a healing raw material for the body, birch leaves are very useful for hair. They strengthen hair, eliminate dandruff and stimulate growth.
  6. With obesity, to improve the metabolism use fees, which are based on birch leaves. They make tea or make baths. Birch leaves for weight loss can be used and in the form of infusions and broths.

How to cook birch leaves?

You've learned what birch leaves are useful for, and want to use them, but do not know how? It's pretty easy! Fresh can be used only in the summer, like compresses for the back, joints or limbs.

To make this birch leaves are crushed and poured warm water (2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water). Leave for 1-2 hours and filter.

All useful properties of birch leaves will be preserved if you make infusion in a thermos: 10 g of raw material should be poured directly into the thermos bottle with 200 ml of water. After 4 hours, this drink is ready for use.

Decoction of birch leaves is prepared from 2 tbsp. spoons and 0.5 liters of water. The mixture is boiled for about 20 minutes, cooled and, if it is needed for ingestion, add a teaspoon of soda.

When using decoction of birch leaves, its saturation can be regulated. So, if you decide to take medicinal baths, you will need 1 handful of leaves to pour 600 ml of water, put on 5 minutes for fire, strain and add to the full bath.

To restore hair to the scalp, rub alcoholic tincture from 1 cup finely chopped leaves and 200 ml of vodka.

Contraindications to the use of birch leaves

Despite widespread and widespread use, birch leaves have contraindications. As a medicine they can not be used if you:

To date, cases of overdose have not been reported, but when you want to use birch leaves during pregnancy, you should always consult a doctor.