Analysis for dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease - it only signals violations of the body. Also, the cause of the imbalance of harmful and useful flora of the intestine can be a long course (more than 7 days) of antibiotic treatment.

Preliminary Diagnostics

Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by nausea, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea, belching, an unpleasant aftertaste and a smell from the mouth. Sometimes there may be "jam" in the corners of the mouth. As you can see, the clinical picture is blurred, and for good reason. These same symptoms occur in diseases of the digestive tract, liver, helminthiases, etc. Therefore, before you suspect a dysbiosis, you must pass the basic tests:

These studies are simple and painless, done in the laboratories of all polyclinics. It is important to conduct them before doing an analysis of the intestinal dysbiosis to exclude the main causes of the above symptoms.

What analyzes hand over on a dysbacteriosis?

Modern diagnostics offers two methods:

1. Bacteriological study - a simple classic way to identify microorganisms in the stool of a patient. The result of the analysis on a dysbacteriosis gives the chance to judge about a microflora. However, the method has several disadvantages:

2. Biochemical analysis of intestinal dysbacteriosis is a method for studying metabolites (volatile fatty acids) released by microbes in the process of vital activity. The analysis is simple and allows you to get results within a few hours, as well as diagnose not only dysbiosis, but also gastrointestinal diseases.

How correctly to hand over the analysis?

The result of the analysis on dysbacteriosis is influenced by the preparation. It is important to strictly observe the following requirements:

What does the analysis show for dysbiosis?

After bacteriological research, the microorganisms inhabiting the intestine will be found in the biomaterial. The norm of the analysis on a dysbacteriosis in this case is those:

The resulted indicators of the analysis on a dysbacteriosis are measured in cfu / g of a feces (colony-forming units).

When the biochemical analysis is given for intestinal dysbacteriosis, the reference values ​​(norm) can be different for each of the laboratories.