13 products that you can grow at home

You can perfectly save by growing these products at home.

Growing plants from seeds is right and logical, but it is really unusual to grow vegetables and fruits from their remains. Does this require more time? Yes. Does this make it easier to go shopping? Definitely! Then get down ?!

Level 1: Beginner gardener

1. You can grow green onions from bulbs.

Green onions are the simplest thing that you can grow at home. Change the water every day, and you will see the result in a week.

2. You can grow sprouts of garlic (they are edible) from garlic cloves.

Or you can only use the garlic itself after it grows.

3. You can grow a variety of "romaine" salad from its lower part.

For growing salad, the soil is not required, but if you still grow in the soil, then its leaves will be twice as large. By the same principle, you can grow cabbage.

4. Try to grow the carrot tops using only the top part of the carrot.

At first glance, it's more like a school experiment than on what you're going to eat. Carrot tops may be slightly bitter, but you can crumble a little garlic into it, add vinegar and honey to sweeten it.

5. Basil can be grown from its cuttings.

Reserves of basil can be literally endless. As often as possible, change the water so that the plant is not covered with mucus.

Level 2: a confident lover

6. Lemongrass also grows from the bottom of its stem ...

The lower part of the lemongrass stem is too hard to prepare, so it can be used to grow new stocks and you do not have to throw half the plant. Leave parts of the lemongrass in the water for about three weeks. When you see that the roots have appeared, then transplant them into the soil and place them on the sunny windowsill.

7. ... like celery.

Strange looks, right? Leave part of the celery in the water for three days, then necessarily transplant into the soil.

8. But the onion is germinated from the bottom of the bulb.

It seems strange that you can simply cut off a piece of a bulb, plant it in the soil, and after a while something magical will happen.

9. Chinese cabbage can be grown from its remnants.

Grown on the same principle as celery.

Level 3: An experienced gardener

10. A small tree grows from the stone of the avocado.

Bone can germinate only from the ripe fruit, but before planting a bone of the fetus must be removed. Growing avocados requires a lot of attention. In order to sprout the first avocados, the plant will need from 5 to 13 years. If you are confident in yourself and you have a lot of free time, then why not?

For this:

  1. Wash the seed. Using three toothpicks, insert them into that part of the seed that is not in the water.
  2. Place it in a warm place, where direct sunlight hits and change the water as needed. You will see that the roots and stem grow in about two to six weeks.
  3. When the base is 15-17 cm long, cut it down to about 7-8 cm.
  4. When the roots become thicker, and the base is covered with green foliage, transplant it into a pot with a soil rich in humus, planting the seed only half.
  5. Often water the plant. Usually the soil must be moist, but not wet. Yellowish leaves are a sign that there is too much water. If this happens, then stop watering the plant for several days.
  6. The more sunlight, the better.
  7. If the leaves turn brown and dry out at the tips, this indicates that too much salt has accumulated in the soil. In this case, pour a little water and let it soak into the soil for a few minutes.
  8. When the base grows to 30 cm tall, cut it to 15 cm to give growth to new shoots.
  9. Do not expect that your houseplant will bear fruit. Although it does happen sometimes, but usually requires transplants. A plant grown from seed will require 5 to 13 years for the appearance of flowers and the appearance of fruits. Fruit on trees grown from seeds is rarely suitable for consumption.

11. Sweet potatoes give sprouts, from which new fruits will appear.

Sweet potatoes grow from shoots, and not from seeds or pieces of potatoes, such as white potatoes. Sweet potatoes can be grown both in water and in soil (only half the tuber should remain in the soil).

To grow in water, place the tuber in a cup of water, but on both sides poke wooden sticks (you can toothpicks) and then it will start to grow faster. You can put a cup, both on the window and on the refrigerator - there will be no difference in the growth of the plant. When grown in water, you can get about 50 shoots from one tuber.

In time, he will need much more space.

In the soil, potatoes also grow quite rapidly. It is much more convenient to grow potatoes in the garden. If the overgrown leaves of potatoes lie in the soil for a long time, they can subsequently bear fruit. These leaves can be eaten. they are edible, and you can find recipes for their preparation. But when growing out of the house, do not forget that the potato is very sensitive to cold.

12. You can grow ginger from its roots.

Shoots can germinate only after a few months and only a year later expect a harvest, but at least this venture will not require special expenses.

Prepare several rhizomes, which already have buds. You will notice greenish shoots on the tops of rhizomes. Roots should be large and healthy. Cut them into pieces so that each of them has an appendage. If they dry up, they probably will not germinate. Soak the ginger in water for the night.

Fill the pot with soil and plant the rhizome sprouts down. Slightly squeeze the rhizomes into the soil and pour a little water. If you live in a cold climate, then put the pot on the sunny side, and sit in the hot, then the shade. Ginger is a tropical plant and loves the heat, but it does not tolerate too much sun in a similar climate.

Periodically water the plant and have patience. It may take quite some time (from 3 months) before the first shoots appear.

13. Try to grow pineapple from its upper part.

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That's right, you can grow pineapple right at home, but it will take about 3 years.

Step 1. Acquire at any grocery store a mature pineapple that has healthy, green leaves (not yellow or brown) and with a golden brown skin. It is best to try to grow two pineapples in case one of them does not germinate. If you decide that you bought too many pineapples, than you can eat, then just cut them and freeze. The frozen pineapples taste great!

Step 2. Prepare the top. Take the whole top with all the leaves and twisting movements, try to tear it out with a small part of the stem. (If you just cut off the tip, you will have to remove all the excess fruit pulp, otherwise the decay processes can kill the whole fruit). After the stem is separated, gently cut small, horizontal sections from the top of the apex until thinly visible to the root buds that look like small dots or circles on the cut surface. Cut as little as possible to avoid cutting off the substrate, which must then germinate. Once the tip is ready, let it dry for a couple of days before proceeding to the next step.

Step 3. Let the roots grow from the top. Place the tip in a clear glass vase of water and change the water every few days. Put the vase away in a place with a neutral temperature (that was not too hot and not too cold), for example, at the top of the refrigerator. In three weeks you will be able to see the germinating root.

Step 4. As soon as the roots appear, transplant the pineapple into a clay pot with the soil mixture, at the bottom of which there must be perlite. A clay pot 45 cm in diameter with a drainage system will be ideal for this. The perlite layer should be about 5 cm at the bottom of the pot before adding the mixture.

The soil must always be slightly moist (not wet, from which rotting will begin, and not dry). It will take 6 to 8 weeks for the stem to begin to grow strong roots. Do not speed up this process.

In time, you will begin to notice that the leaves that were originally on the pineapple will begin to die and become brown, but they will be replaced by new ones. Within a year, cut dead leaves, and water the pineapple no more than once a week. If they grow up, then everything goes as it should. As soon as a year passes, it will be necessary to transplant the plant.

Step 5. Transplant.

When transplanting, avoid getting soil between the leaves. During the growth of pineapple and its roots, it will also be necessary to transplant it into an even larger pot.

In winter, pineapple stops growing, but with the onset of spring growth should resume. If this does not happen, then carefully pull it out of the soil and check the roots. If necessary, change the soil mixture.

Pineapple is a tropical plant and cold temperature can easily kill it.

Pineapples need to receive at least 6 hours of bright light every day. In the summer, put the plant on the sunny side of the windowsill or even in the garden.