Diet on beets for fast weight loss

In the autumn, beets are one of the most affordable vegetables. Many mistresses are puzzling about what can be done with it, not knowing that they have an excellent product in their hands to achieve harmony. There is a special diet on the beet, based on the use of root vegetables.

Beet Weight Loss Diet

The effectiveness of techniques based on the use of this vegetable is understandable, for which it is worth looking at the chemical composition and useful properties. With regular use of root vegetables reduces appetite and a person ceases to suffer from flashes of hunger. Beetroot during the diet is useful due to the presence of fiber, which helps fight fat deposits and purifies the body. Vegetable is well absorbed in the body, saturating it with useful substances. Diet with beet for weight loss is an excellent and useful way to become slimmer and improve your health.

Beet Diet for 7 days

Presented way to lose weight can not be called hungry, because the diet contains a variety of products, so the body will receive the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Diet with beets offers a specially designed menu and if you want to get good results in the end, then it is not recommended to make changes to it. In addition, it is recommended that you follow the list of certain rules.

  1. The vegetable is allowed to be consumed in fresh, boiled or baked form. It is important to take into account that thermal treatment destroys some useful substances, but the boiled vegetable is better digested in the stomach.
  2. To improve the effect of losing weight, it is recommended to drink beetroot juice , but in many people it causes a vomiting reflex. To minimize its manifestation, it is necessary to leave it after squeezing for 15-20 minutes, so that unpleasant sharpness will disappear. In such a drink, you can add carrot or apple juice and mint leaves.
  3. To save the result from a diet and even improve it, it is recommended to leave it correctly. It is not necessary to completely exclude dishes from beets from your diet, for example, you can prepare salads. Gradually increase the number of cereals in the diet. In the first three days it is important to exclude fried, sweet and fat, and it is better to give up such food forever.

Diet on beets and yogurt

Sour-milk products are the basis of many methods of weight loss, and all because of its enormous benefit. Kefir contains important probiotics necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine. Thanks to this, other foods start to be better absorbed, digestive processes are accelerated and bloating, putrefactive processes and flatulence disappear. Kefir with beets is a diet that gives fast and stable results. It is important to choose a fermented milk product with a fat content of 1-5%.

Kefir-beet diet for weight loss lasts three days, at this time you can eat no more than 1 kg of boiled root and drink 1.5 liters of kefir. The specified quantity should be divided into 5-6 receptions. It is also important not to forget about using simple water to maintain the water balance. For the allotted period, a diet on the beet helps to throw off 1-1.5 kg. From the beet, you can make a salad, crushing it and filling it with olive oil. Still allowed to prepare a cocktail, chopping the allowed ingredients in the blender.

Diet on beets and carrots

To throw off the extra pounds, you can use quite affordable and familiar root crops. In the carrot is a large number of vitamins, minerals and other substances. There is in it and useful for weight loss cellulose. Carrot-beet diet is based on the use of simple salad, but it can not be called hungry, because it can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Its duration is not limited and everyone can decide for himself the desired period. In addition to salad it is important to drink at least two liters of water.



  1. Vegetables clean, and grind on a grater with apples.
  2. Add olive oil and lemon juice to taste. Stir and eat.

Diet - beets and eggs

In this way to lose weight combine two important components of weight loss - fiber and protein, and in eggs the latter is in easily digestible form. Many refuse this product because of the fact that there is cholesterol in the yolk, but it will not cause harm, since the lecithin entering it neutralizes it. Diet on boiled beets is not balanced, so do not keep it longer than a week. The sample menu is as follows:

  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. juice from beets, a pair of hard-boiled eggs and green tea.
  2. Lunch: 100 g of boiled root, a couple of eggs and tea or water.
  3. Dinner: a slice of lean fish, three eggs, 150 g of beet and tea.

Cabbage and beetroot diet

In this technique, cabbage is added to the useful root vegetable, which is recommended by nutritionists for people who are trying to become slimmer. In this vegetable, a lot of fiber, which enhances the cleansing properties of the diet, which helps to accelerate metabolism and improve the digestive system. Cabbage also contains tartronic acid, which resists the process of transition of carbohydrates to fats. The diet for cabbage and beets is designed for three days and is strict, but during this time you can throw off a minimum of 3 kg.

  1. Morning: 100 g of ground beet and green tea.
  2. Lunch: a portion of beet soup and 100 g of cabbage salad.
  3. Dinner: 100 grams of salad from two vegetables and green tea.