Analysis of cervical cytology

High rates of such a disease, as cervical cancer , make the analysis of cervical cytology especially relevant today. A smear on cervical cytology is a simple but effective way to check the condition of the inner cells of the cervix, and in case of atypical tissue appearance, take timely measures to prevent malignant processes.

Cytological smear from the cervix

According to the results of cervical cytology, the state of the epithelium is flat on the side of the vagina and cylindrical from the side of the cervical canal, the shape, structural changes, location, presence of abnormal cells is more accurately determined. Correct interpretation of cervical cytology allows to detect anomalies in time and to undertake treatment for the prevention of cancer.

Cytological analysis of the cervix is ​​recommended to be performed once every three years for all women of reproductive age after the onset of sexual activity. The premise for more frequent diagnosis is poor cytology of the cervix, in which case the analysis is carried out at regular intervals at the doctor's discretion.

Preparation and conduct of the study

Before delivery of a smear on the cytology of the cervix, it is necessary to abstain from intimate relationships within 1-2 days, douching, insertion of tampons and candles into the vagina. The optimal period for taking the test is during the menstrual cycle. You can not take a smear during menstruation or inflammation.

The biological material is collected using a special spatula and a brush. Using these tools in a sterile and dry form allows you to collect the largest number of cells for a more accurate study. Materials collected for analysis are sent for study to the laboratory.

How much is the cytology of the cervix?

The biological material is examined for several days. Sometimes, in conjunction with cytology, sampling for a bacteriological smear is taken to determine the sterility of the vagina.

Results of cervical cytology: is there cancer?

According to the cytology of the cervix, her condition is divided:

  1. The first stage . It is characteristic for healthy women. All cells are normal.
  2. The second stage . In the presence of violations associated with inflammatory processes.
  3. The third stage . There are cells with enlarged nuclei.
  4. The fourth stage . Changed the nucleus, as well as chromosomes and cytoplasm.
  5. The fifth stage . Typically, cancer cells are detected.