Frequent monthly causes

The indicator of women's health can be considered regular monthly. But it happens that menstruation in women goes too often. Should we consider frequent monthly causes for concern or worry about nothing? To answer this question it is possible unequivocally - frequent menstruation is not normal, and then specialist consultation is required. But before visiting a doctor, you need to make sure that your menstrual cycle does have deviations and recall the characteristics of your lifestyle so that the specialist can determine the causes of frequent menstruation.

How often should the menstrual period be?

Ideal is a cycle lasting 28 days. But deviations in the smaller or larger side of not more than 7 days are considered normal. So if the duration of your cycle is 21 days, then, most likely, you do not need to grab your head and think, "I have frequent monthly, what to do, how to treat?", It's just the characteristics of your body. It also happens that monthly ones are not on schedule - very often or vice versa, there are delays when the cycle is only being installed.

Causes of frequent monthly

Treatment of frequent monthly should be entrusted to a specialist, do not engage in self-medication. But to help the doctor determine the cause of your illness you can. Think about which of the following factors are relevant to you, and at the doctor's appointment, be sure to mention this. So, why can the monthly be too frequent.

  1. The most common cause of frequent menstrual infections are infectious diseases of the genitals. After undergoing the necessary treatment, the menstrual cycle is normalized.
  2. Diseases of the endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland, affect the concentration of hormones in the body. And this entails changes in the menstrual cycle, as a variant of frequent menstrual cycles.
  3. Depression, persistent stress, disruptions in the work of the nervous system can all cause malfunctions in the functioning of the body, these failures and affect changes in the menstrual cycle.
  4. Strict diets, during which the female body is deficient in the substances necessary for normal functioning, excessive physical exertion can also be the cause of frequent menses.
  5. Long-term use of medication can cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
  6. Frequent use (abuse) of alcohol, cigarettes, and, taking drugs, negatively affects women's health. The menstrual cycle also undergoes changes, one of which is frequent monthly.
  7. Also, frequent menstruation can occur in the case of severe poisoning (not only food), transferred by the body.

Sometimes menstrual irregularities can be caused by a change of climate or strong excitement, but usually after such shocks the body quickly comes back to normal. If this did not happen, then a visit to the medical institution is compulsory, because a private one is not only an increase in the cost of hygiene products, the consequences can be quite severe.

What is dangerous in frequent menstruation?

In itself, the phenomenon of frequent men does not give the woman any joy, and if they are accompanied by severe pain, it becomes clear that there is nothing good in this phenomenon. But we, realizing this, still pull to the last. And we do it absolutely in vain. Absence of treatment of the causes of private menstruation can lead to the development of serious gynecological diseases. What will affect the ability to become pregnant and endure a healthy child. In addition, frequent menstruation may signal an ectopic pregnancy or the presence of cancer.