Why is watermelon useful during pregnancy?

We all look forward to summer to enjoy his generous gifts. A pregnant woman, for whom there are all kinds of prohibitions and restrictions, is somewhat more complicated in this regard, because she is afraid of harming the baby. But do not be afraid, because the benefits, for example, watermelon during pregnancy, is so obvious that even doctors recognize its use within reasonable limits.

Why is watermelon useful during pregnancy?

In this giant berry with succulent and saccharine pulp contains a large number of trace elements, necessary for a woman in the period of bearing a child. Very rich in watermelon iron, which means that the treatment and prevention of anemia without chemicals in the summer is assured.

Folic acid, especially necessary for the construction of the child's nervous system, is present in the watermelon pulp in sufficient quantities. But the most important quality that watermelon possesses is the ability to fight with swelling. This is possible due to the fact that it does not contain salts, but has a neutralizing alkali in the composition. That's where the watermelon diuretic effect, which positively affects swelling, especially at the end of pregnancy.

What can harm a pregnant woman watermelon?

But not only useful properties in pregnancy can have a watermelon. Unfortunately, in our time of nitrates and other harmful chemistry, this fruit can be poisoned.

The peak of poisoning occurs at the beginning of summer, when everyone is in a hurry to get the first vitamins, and instead they are on a hospital bed. Therefore, the benefits and harm of watermelon during pregnancy should be weighed reasonably so as not to harm the baby, because poisoning is a great stress for the mother and child.

Now you know what watermelon is useful in pregnancy, but, despite all the positive qualities, you should use the product moderately, because the excess of sugars in the composition quite strongly affects the weight gain, both by the woman and the fetus.