Hair on the abdomen during pregnancy

Future moms soon after conception notice how many different changes occur in their body. Changing not only well-being, but also appearance. Some women note that during pregnancy they have hair on their belly. Experts call excess hair on the body in women hirsutism. It is worthwhile to figure out what the reason for this unpleasant phenomenon is and whether it is necessary to fight it.

Why does my belly grow on pregnancy?

At the future mum from early terms the hormonal background varies. For example, increasing progesterone significantly prolongs the life of the hair follicle. Future moms pay attention, that their hair becomes thicker and more magnificent. All this is due to the influence of this hormone. But it works in this way on the hair that grows throughout the body.

Women note increased hair growth by about 12-14 weeks. This period is characterized by increased production of male hormones in the adrenal cortex, as well as the placenta. This also explains why pregnant women have hair growing on their stomachs. Androgens also prevent their prolapse. Because of them, the hair becomes darker, longer. In brunettes, hirsutism is more pronounced, but similar changes are possible for girls with light curls.

How to deal with hair on the abdomen during pregnancy?

You should know that hirsutism is a temporary phenomenon. After childbirth and lactation, everything will gradually come back to normal. Because you can not survive and wait for this moment.

But many women want to get rid of vegetation as early as possible. They should know the following points:

If the mother has finished breastfeeding, and her hair has not disappeared, this may be due to a violation of the hormonal balance. It is necessary to consult a doctor, he will prescribe an examination and give recommendations for treatment.