Nasal bleeding in children

In childhood, many children suffer from nosebleeds, some experience this once a year, and some babies regularly suffer from this trouble. How to behave in such an emergency situation and what is the cause of frequent nasal bleeding in a child?

The cause for nasal bleeding in children often become elementary injuries to the nose. After all, kids often sin by picking in the nose, and in fact the mucous membrane of the front of the nose is very thin and the slightest trauma leads to its rupture. If once in a certain place there was a damage, the probability is great, it can become the reason of repeated bleedings.

Constant rhinitis and other viral diseases, when microorganisms loosen the mucous membrane, settling in it, cause bleeding. Weakened children, prone to cold, are most prone to this. The aggravating factor is frequent smokings, which due to a sharp increase in pressure in the nose provoke bleeding.

Night nosebleeds in children also occur frequently. They can be caused by dry air in the room. In this case, the nasal mucosa dries up and is easily traumatized. It should be carefully observed what kind of blood it has - if it has blisters or an admixture of mucus, then perhaps it is not nasal, but gastric or pulmonary hemorrhage.

If the nosebleeds happen regularly, then this is an occasion to examine the child from a hematologist, a neurologist, because the reasons can be much deeper than the well-known ones.

How to stop a nosebleed in a child?

Adults, as a rule, are often lost in an emergency situation and can not normally provide emergency care for nosebleeds in children. Often, the method used by our grandmothers is applied, but it has long proved its inefficiency - throwing back the head.

Blood flows down the back wall of the pharynx, is swallowed and enters the stomach. Irritation from heavy bleeding can provoke vomiting, which will aggravate the child's condition. It will be correct to seat him so that he tilts his head forward, but not too low. In this case, the nose must be clamped, pressing the nostrils to the septum.

Instead of squeezing, you can use tampons twisted from bandage and soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide. Vatu for this purpose is used undesirable, because, drying up, it dries hard to the mucosa and during its removal the wound breaks off again and bleeding starts again. It is necessary to put ice on the bridge of the nose. In the event that it is not at hand, then any cold thing can be used.

Turundas from bandage can be obtained when the wound is well thrombosed. Before this, it is wetted with peroxide for painless removal. If swabs quickly become soaked with blood, this means that the bleeding does not stop. After 20 minutes, if your actions do not bring results, you need to call an ambulance.

With severe and frequent nasal bleeding, children are prescribed such types of treatment as cauterization of the bleeding site (Kisselbach's plexus zone), which is carried out by the ENT. This gives a good result.

Also, with nasal bleeding, children are prescribed Ascorutin in a dosage appropriate to age. It strengthens the walls of fragile vessels in the nasal cavity, replenishes the stores of vitamin C and R. The drug is prescribed to children after three years - to treat 1 tablet 3 times a day for 10 days.

For emergency help with nasal bleeding in children, Dicinone is used in the form of injections or tablets. It accelerates the coagulability of blood and leads to its arrest in a short time.