Salad with pineapple and garlic

The combination of pineapple and garlic at first glance may look a little scary, but believe me, if garlic becomes only an element of salad dressing, a small brushstroke on a large canvas - the dish will only benefit from this.

Sour and tasty salads with pineapple and garlic can be evaluated by testing the recipes, which we will discuss further.

Salad with pineapple, chicken, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise



Chicken fillet boil in salted water until cooked and cut into cubes. Similarly, we cut pineapple. Stems of celery cut across, in small slices. Nuts chop the knife into pieces of medium size. Greek yogurt is mixed with cream cheese and mayonnaise, we add a garlic clove and curry powder passed through the press, we complement sauce with salt and pepper to taste. All the prepared ingredients are combined together and seasoned with yoghurt sauce. Salad with chicken, garlic and pineapple should be cooled before serving.

Salad with grapes, pineapple, cheese and garlic



Ham cut into small cubes along with pineapple. Grapes cut in half and remove the bones, if necessary. Almonds are fried and roughly chopped with a knife. Mayonnaise and cream cheese whisk whisk, if necessary, season with salt and pepper, add the garlic passed through the press. Mix all the ingredients, fill the salad with pineapple, grapes and garlic cheese sauce and cool. We serve snacks in crackers or chips.

Salad with pineapple, cheese and garlic



Hard cheese rubbed on a large grater. Pineapples cut into cubes. Mix all ingredients in a salad bowl and dress with a sauce of a mixture of mayonnaise, garlic, sugar and a couple of tablespoons of pineapple juice.

Salad with pineapple and garlic chips

Have you ever tried garlic chips? Sweet, but still sharp and fragrant, they are able to diversify not only the taste, but also the texture of the dish.



Using a blender, beat the soy sauce with 2 tablespoons of pineapple juice, corn oil, rice vinegar, sugar, chopped green onions and myrrh.

We cut the tomatoes into large slices and lay them on the dish. On top put the thin rings of sweet onions, pour all half of the finished sauce. Rukkola and pineapple slices are separately poured with the leftovers of the dressing and thoroughly mixed. We spread the rukkola with a slide over the tomato-onion cushion.

From garlic, using a slicer or a sharp knife, cut into thin slices chips and fry in hot oil until golden brown. If you are against deep-frying - put chips from garlic on baking paper and dry in the oven at minimum temperature. Sprinkle the salad with garlic chips and serve it to the table.