Pain with appendicitis

Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. Pain in the abdomen is the most characteristic, and sometimes the only, not counting the general deterioration in the state of health, a symptom of the disease.

The nature of pain in appendicitis

Despite the fact that appendicitis pains are always observed, in different patients they can differ significantly. Consider what pain usually occurs with appendicitis, and where exactly a person can get sick.

What kind of pain occurs with appendicitis?

In most cases, with the initial stage of acute appendicitis, pain is not localized, and it is impossible to pinpoint exactly where it hurts. Its intensity may be mild or moderate, but with time the pain intensifies. With purulent appendicitis, pain is always acute, but it is easier to indicate the area in which it hurts, and a significant increase in temperature is accompanied by a state. A sharp decrease in the intensity of pain in appendicitis usually indicates a rupture, or the onset of the most severe, gangrenous form of the disease.

Which side of the body is the pain with appendicitis?

In the initial stage, a specific place can not be determined, the pain is dull, spilled and most often felt in the upper abdomen. Over time (ranging from 4 to 48 hours), it shifts to the navel and below, but does not reach the pelvis. After the pain becomes more localized and felt in the right lower abdomen, while intensifying. However, there are cases when the pain initially arises in the navel, or, especially with an atypical appendix, gives to the left side of the abdomen and back. Also, a typical picture can be disturbed in pregnant women and people suffering from obesity.

Constant or not pain with appendicitis?

Regardless of the intensity, the pain is not spasmodic, but is unceasing, monotonous.

Features of appendicitis pain

Pain is worse:

The pain may weaken:

At an attack of an appendicitis attempts to remove or take off a pain anesthetizing agents are ineffective, and use of spasmolytic agents is absolutely inefficient and, on the contrary, can provoke deterioration of a status.