How to calm a child's cough?

An ordinary cold or a viral illness - almost any child's malaise of such a plan is accompanied by a cough. Of course, experienced moms know that this is a natural reaction of the body, with the help of which it is released from pathogens and accumulated sputum. But, when the child begins a strong paroxysmal cough, the first thing that parents worry about is how to relieve the baby's condition. Therefore, in the course are any means and means.

Today we will talk about how to calm an attack of a strong cough in a child, depending on its nature and etiology.

How to relieve dry cough in a child?

Basically, an unproductive (dry) cough appears at the outset of a disease that occurs as a result of hypothermia or the penetration of viral agents. The phenomenon is very unpleasant, often accompanied by pain in the throat and nasal congestion. In such cases, in order to calm an obsessive cough in a child, it is necessary to soften and moisten the laryngeal mucosa, since the reflex arises precisely because of its irritation. To facilitate the condition will help a cup of warm milk with cocoa butter and honey, inhalation with essential oils (eucalyptus, lemon balm, mint). During the day, you need to provide a crumb of copious drink. In particular, to soften the mucous membrane and remove the stiff cough of a small child, both children's herbal teas and various plant-based syrups and lozenges will help. It is also recommended to lower the temperature in the children's room and moisten the air.

In emergency situations, a doctor may prescribe medications that block a cough reflex.

How to relieve an attack of a damp cough in a child?

Reproductive cough is a kind of progress in treatment. Although it is much easier to crumbs yet, and parents are still worried about the question of how to relieve the child cough, especially if the attack started at night. In this case, you can warm the baby's legs, do inhalation or rub, you can simply take it to the bathroom and open the tap with hot water. Effective infusions of herbs, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, calendula and plantain. As for medicines, mucolytics and expectorants are used. However, both can be given to children with extreme caution, and crumbs up to a year are completely undesirable. It is also contraindicated to take mucolytics in combination with drugs that depress the cough reflex.