Has chilled a bladder - symptoms

The complaint that the woman has chilled the bladder , at least, all the symptoms on it indicate, perhaps, the most frequent statement on admission to the urologist. Indeed, according to medical statistics, every third woman between the ages of 20 and 40 years at least once in her life experienced typical symptoms that occur with bladder stasis. In this case, most often in the fair sex diagnosed with acute cystitis, but it is not uncommon for cases when the relatively mildly expressed signs of a blown bladder indicate a chronic form of the disease.

Inflammation of the bladder is a very common disease among women. Anatomical features of the female urinary system (short and relatively wide urethra) contribute to the rapid progression of the infection and its entry into the bladder. The woman who has chilled the bladder experiences a characteristic range of symptoms, the brightness of which depends on the form of the inflammation: acute or chronic.

Predisposing factors

There is an opinion that hypothermia is the main cause of the common cold of the bladder. This statement is not entirely correct. In most cases, cystitis is infectious, so the actual hypothermia can not be the root cause of inflammation. Subcooling the body, wet feet in rainy weather, lying or sitting on the cold surface, weakened immunity, non-observance of personal hygiene rules, beriberi, and in some cases, even fatigue or stress are only predisposing factors.

The whole spectrum of signs indicating blistering, a woman observes only when the above factors are combined with a bacterial infection. Her hot spot is usually the anus (the E. coli causes cystitis in 70-95% of women) and the entrance to the vagina.

Bladder is chilled: symptoms of inflammation and a standard treatment regimen

If the woman has chilled the bladder, then with a high probability she will experience the following symptoms:

  1. Pain or burning burning pain in the bladder (it is felt above the pubis) - with acute cystitis ; aching or pulling pains - a characteristic symptom for bladder stasis in the case of a chronic form of the disease.
  2. Painful urination; The urethra can be accompanied by a cutting, tingling, burning, which is amplified in the end. Reinforcement occurs due to the fall of the walls of the bladder and, accordingly, increasing the friction of the inflamed walls against each other.
  3. Increased urination; mandatory urges to urinate occur every half hour.
  4. Urine is released in small amounts, even after urination, the sensation of not fully emptying the bladder remains.
  5. Urine acquires a muddy shade and a sharp unpleasant odor; pink shade of urine indicates the presence of blood in it.
  6. The general condition of a woman is unsatisfactory, weakness is observed, body temperature rises (to 38C).

A woman who has chilled the bladder can feel all or part of the above symptoms. In any case, a consultation of a urologist is required, because untreated acute cystitis at best becomes chronic, at worst - is dangerous further spread of infection and subsequent serious complications.

Provided that adequate treatment is used, relief of the signs of a bladder occurs after a few days. Such treatment, as a rule, includes reception:

In a woman who has bled a bladder during pregnancy, the symptomatology practically does not differ from the classical one, only the treatment regimes differ slightly.