Antimulylerov increased hormone

Antimulylerov hormone known physicians not so long ago, but with his help, they learned to identify certain disorders of the reproductive system, determine the sex and even predict the onset of menopause. Usually, the analysis on AMG is prescribed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist at the initial stage of infertility treatment with the help of assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, artificial insemination). High antimulylerov a hormone - an alarming sign, speaking about presence of serious diseases.

AMG in men and women

Antimiller's hormone (AMG) is a glycoprotein related to growth factors. This substance begins to be developed during the period of embryonic development: in future boys - at 7-8 weeks, and in future girls - at about 32-36 weeks of pregnancy.

It is this hormone responsible for the formation of the male reproductive system: under the influence of AMG, the asexual embryo has an involution (reverse development) of the Mullerian ducts - the rudiments of the future uterus and fallopian tubes. After the birth of the boys in the body, the hormone continues to be produced in large quantities by Sertoli cells, and with the onset of puberty the level of antimulylerovoy hormone is significantly reduced.

AMG women synthesize granulosa ovary cells from the third trimester of pregnancy before the onset of menopause. In comparison with men, the content of antimulylerovaya hormone in the blood of the weaker sex is much lower, and after the onset of puberty, the level of AMH gradually decreases. Why is this happening?

Normally, every woman at birth has a stock of eggs, which, with the arrival of the first menstruation, are gradually consumed up to menopause. During the menstrual period, several follicles develop at once in the ovary, one of which (dominant) will become a mature egg. At a certain stage of maturation of germ cells, an antimulyler hormone is produced that controls the growth of follicles. Scientists have found that the level of AMG directly correlates with the number of potential eggs. So, with the help of ATM, one can estimate the ovarian reserve of a woman and draw conclusions about the onset of menopause.

Antimulylerov the hormone is raised - the reasons

Usually the level of antimulylerovoy hormone in men is 0,49-5,98 ng / ml, for the fairer sex this indicator is equal to 1-2.5 ng / ml. Of course, there are small deviations from the norm. For example, at an anti-Muller hormone level of up to 3 ng / mg, you should not worry. However, in some women antimulylerov hormone is significantly increased: the values ​​of AGM can be 5-6, and sometimes 9 ng / ml. What is the reason for such indicators?

Physicians found that in women antimulylerov hormone above the norm is associated with the presence of polycystic ovaries, as well as with a granulosa cell tumor of the ovary. In addition, a high AMG may indicate normogonadotropic endocrine (anovulatory) infertility or a delay in sexual development. AMG above normal may be the result of antiandrogen therapy.

In men, the increased antimuller hormone speaks of cryptorchidism (location of the testes outside the scrotum), delay in sexual development, defects in the production of androgens and other disorders of the reproductive system.

However, not always high AMG indicates the presence of diseases. Sometimes the patient's condition has a great influence on the results of the study: stress, acute illnesses, intense sports can affect the level of the hormone in the blood. Therefore, three days before the analysis, it is necessary to lead a quiet lifestyle, avoiding unrest and avoiding bad habits if possible.