Saddle uterus

A saddle-shaped uterus is called the anomaly of the development of the uterus with a splitting of the bottom and an expansion in diameter resembling a saddle in shape. Often, the saddle uterus causes primary infertility, pathology of pregnancy of varying severity, postpartum complications, as well as intrauterine fetal death.

Saddle Uterus: Causes

The cause of the formation of the uterus irregular shape is the in vitro malformation. In the initial stage of formation, the uterus consists of two cavities separated by a sagittal median septum. As embryonic development, the septum disappears and a single-breasted pear-shaped uterus forms in the fetus. If the process is violated, the concavity in the region of the womb is preserved, and the girl is born with a congenital malformation.

The cause of the pathology can become factors such as alcohol and drug dependence of the mother, smoking, taking medicinal substances during pregnancy, beriberi, depressive state, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, heart disease.

To provoke the development of the saddle uterus in the fetus during embryonic development can infectious diseases that the mother suffered: influenza, rubella, scarlet fever, measles, toxoplasmosis, syphilis. Sometimes, the cause of pathology is a chronic lack of oxygen - hypoxia.

Saddle shape of the uterus and pregnancy

Most often, a woman and does not suspect the existence of pathology. Saddle-shaped uterus does not give clinical symptoms and does not affect the conception of the child. A small change in the shape of the uterus, also, does not affect the course of pregnancy. Nevertheless, the pronounced saddle shape of the uterus threatens both childbirth and a successful pregnancy.

Since there is no problem with getting pregnant with a saddle uterus, the main task is to preserve the fetus. However, when the saddle-uterus is combined with other anomalies in the development of internal organs, it is possible to diagnose primary infertility. An abnormality of the development of the uterus can provoke premature birth, low, pelvic or lateral presentation of the fetus, an early detachment of the placenta. The risk of spontaneous abortion is high.

The saddle-uterus and childbirth are a rather menacing situation. During labor can develop discoordination. In this case, caesarean section is recommended. In the postpartum period, the saddle uterus can cause serious bleeding. In the absence of medical supervision over the course of pregnancy, a similar malformation of the uterus can lead to death.

Saddle shape of the uterus: treatment

Surgical treatment for this developmental disorder is performed in the absence of conception or after repeated futile attempts to bear fruit. Most often, the method of hysteroscopy is used. The operation is carried out through natural ways, cuts are not performed. Correction of the form of the uterus surgically increases the probability of normal pregnancy and childbirth many times. Starting from the early pregnancy, a woman with a saddle-shaped uterus must fully comply with the recommendations prescribed by the gynecologist. At the slightest deterioration of the situation, the pregnant woman is hospitalized in a hospital under the constant supervision of medical personnel. In case of complications of pregnancy, medicinal preparations are recommended: gestogens, antispasmodics, sedative plant remedies, Essentiale forte, actovegin. Strict adherence to bed rest is prescribed.