Female sex hormones

In any person, regardless of gender, both female and male sex hormones are synthesized. It is known that it is female sex hormones that have a more intense effect on the body, although some women do not even know what they are called.

In all women, the sexual sphere is completely subordinated to cyclicity, and also to the level of hormones produced by its body. So, the hormonal background influences the behavior of a woman, her condition, mood, thought processes and character as a whole. Scientists have established an interesting fact: female sex hormones (estrogens), have an increased concentration in the body of those girls who have blonde hair.

Types of hormones

All the hormones that exist in the human body can be conditionally divided into:

The first were called androgens, and the second estrogens. Female sex hormones, represented by a large number of hormones with the following names: progesterone, estrogen, estradiol, oxytocin, and testosterone . The main female sex hormone is estrogen, which is secreted (produced) directly in the ovaries. It is he who is responsible for shaping the appearance of the female type, has an impact on the formation of a female character.


Estrogens have a direct effect on the rate of cell regeneration. Therefore, women, the content of which this sex hormone is normal, have a good, supple skin, have thick and shiny hair. In addition, estrogens act as a protective barrier to blood vessels, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques on their walls.

When found at a low level (lack) of female sex hormones of estrogens, which is confirmed by the analysis, the female body begins to acquire masculine traits, that is, there is an increased growth of hair on the face, legs and arms. The skin at this early grows old and becomes flabby.

With excess, excessive accumulation of fatty deposits in the region of the hips, lower abdomen, and buttocks is observed. Also, a high level of estrogen is often the cause of the development of uterine fibroids.


No less important is the hormone of the female sex glands of progesterone. It must be said that this hormone is considered male, since it is in a large concentration in the male body. The development of its female body begins with the moment when the egg leaves the follicle and the body begins to secretion of the yellow body . If this process does not occur, then the progesterone in the body of a woman is not synthesized. It is this hormone that affects the ability of a woman to bear and give birth to children. Reduction of this hormone during a normal pregnancy leads to the development of spontaneous abortion in the early stages.


It is the most active female hormone. It is synthesized both in the ovaries and in the placenta during pregnancy. A small amount of it can form during the transition from testosterone.

This hormone determines the development of the body by the female type, and also takes a direct part in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and is responsible for the normal development of the egg.


It is synthesized in the adrenal glands. Has a direct influence on the general condition of a woman, makes her more gentle and caring. The maximum concentration reaches after delivery.


In a small amount synthesized in the female adrenal glands. It is he who is responsible for sexual desires. With its excess, the character of a woman becomes more hot-tempered, and the mood has a peculiarity to change rapidly.