Yeast dough for donuts

Dough for donuts can be yeast, bezdozhzhevoe and even puff. And if you are in a hurry, you can use the purchased one, but it's better to mix it yourself, it's not too difficult. First, prepare the lightest yeast dough for donuts on the water.

Dough on water



Yeast must be crushed and mixed with sugar and salt. Eggs beat well with a mixer at maximum speed, then enter the yeast mixture and 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, continue to whisk. Then pour in water and gradually add the sifted flour. Our task is to get a liquid yeast dough for donuts that resembles a batter. It turns out to be easy due to water and a minimum number of "weighting" products. In the cauldron or stewpot we warm the oil until a light haze appears and gently place the dough into it. Use a tablespoon to make donuts about the same size. Fry on low heat until golden and appetizing, then catch the donuts and place them on paper towels.

Option is more traditional

To make traditional round donuts that resemble bagels, prepare the dough differently. For this, the dough for donuts cooked on kefir will be more suitable, it will also be yeast.



Yeast, salt and sugar are mixed with flour. Eggs beat with a softened "Peasant" oil. We connect both mixtures and pour kefir, mix the dough. It will turn out soft and slightly sticky. After the dough is suitable, douse it and start making donuts. This yeast dough is ideal for donuts with jam. To make them, roll out the dough, cut out mugs from it, put jam on half of them, cover with the second ones, join the edges and fry the donuts in boiling vegetable oil.