How to determine the sex of a child by heartbeat, and how reliable are these methods?

Wanting to know the sex of the babe, the expectant mother is often interested in how to determine the gender of the child by the heartbeat. Already become mothers women confirm the informative nature of this technique, so it is becoming increasingly popular.

Is it possible to determine the sex of the child in a heartbeat?

In the search for ways to determine the sex of the future baby, women are asked the doctors the question: is it possible to know the sex of the child in a heartbeat? Doctors do not confirm the reliability of this method, explaining this fact by the fact that it has no physiological basis. The organism of toddlers of male and female develops almost equally, therefore it is impossible to affirm the possibility of establishing sex only by the activity of the fetal heart system. However, women themselves often use this technique as an alternative to ultrasound.

According to the observation of the pregnant women themselves, the heartbeat can determine the sex of the child. The heart of a girl and a boy is reduced in different ways. For one minute the female fetus does more than 140 strokes. In the male embryo, the number of cardiac contractions does not exceed this index and ranges between 120 and 130 beats per minute. In this case, it is necessary to consider the term of pregnancy itself, on which counting is carried out.

How do you know the sex of a child's future heartbeat?

Determination of the child's heartbeat is done by counting the number of cuts in 1 minute. To do this, put the phonendoscope on the abdomen surface, record the time and start counting. It should be taken into account that the procedure should be carried out in complete rest and in the horizontal position of the mother. Experience, agitation, previous physical stress can distort the results.

Determining the sex of the child from the heartbeat of the fetus is a complicated procedure. Listening to tones is difficult, so the results not obtained in this way are not objective. In most cases, the pregnant woman pays attention to the indicated data in the conclusion of the ultrasound and CTG. The latter technique is used to assess the cardiac activity of the fetus as an additional study.

What week is the sex of the child recognized?

To learn the sex of the fetus doctors are already at 12 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, ultrasound is used, which helps to visualize the sexual fossa of the fetus. However, the assumptions made about the sex of the future baby are often mistaken because of the great similarity of the external genitalia of girls and boys.

The sex of the child at a heartbeat at 12 weeks is more difficult to determine. By this time the heart of the fetus has already been formed and functions, but its work has not yet been properly established. Rhythm and heart rate may vary and are influenced by:

Determination of sex at fetal heart rate

Determine the sex of the child according to the frequency of the heartbeat is impossible. However, many pregnant women are able to make correct predictions to this account using the values ​​of heart rate. It is generally believed that the heart of the future girl is reduced more often. According to the observations of women who have already become mothers, it performs at least 140 strokes per minute. To obtain a reliable result, several calculations must be made after a short time and calculate the average value.

Before determining the sex of the child by the heartbeat, the woman should learn some physiognomic features. The heart of the future male kid is beat less often, so if the pregnant woman has no more than 140 strokes per minute, it is worth expecting the boy. At the same time, women in the position claim that this method truthfully predicts the sex of the fetus only before the 20th week of pregnancy - at a later date, the number of erroneous calculations increases. In addition, by this time, the pregnant woman already with a high degree of probability knows who will be born, based on the results of ultrasound.

The child's sex by heart rate

Determining the gender of the child in the heartbeat of women should pay attention to the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle. It is considered that the heart of a baby shrinks somewhat chaotically, the rhythm is unstable. The time of contraction and relaxation can fluctuate. Heart sounds are not so loud, so listening to them often becomes problematic. At boys the heart is reduced rhythmically, easy, blows precise and perfectly listen. The doctors themselves say that there is no such difference in the activity of the heart, depending on sex. Existing deviations are a sign of pathology, vice.

Child's sex according to the location of the fetus

Learning how to determine the sex of the future child by heartbeat, it is necessary to take into account other signs. To correctly determine who will be born - a boy or a girl - on a heartbeat, you need to establish the location of the heart of the fetus, more precisely - of his body. According to the existing theory of experienced mothers who gave birth to two children, boys and girls are differently located in the mother's womb. So, if the heart rhythm is easier to listen to on the left - there will be a boy, if on the right - a girl will be born. The doctors react with a smile to this theory, arguing that the available coincidences are pure coincidence.

Fetal heart rate by week of pregnancy

An undeniable fact is the change in heart rate depending on the gestational age. If you know the sex of the child on the heartbeat is not possible for all future mothers, then calculate the amount of heart rate and compare it to the term can each woman. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to draw conclusions about the relative nature of fetal development. Heart rate during pregnancy at early stages varies as follows: