Energy of the person

The fact that man is not just a piece of meat with bones has been known for a long time, but in the bustle of everyday life it is often forgotten and remembered only by feeling a lack of energy to solve everyday problems.

The role of internal energy in human life

Each person has a certain supply of vital energy, which is consumed and replenished daily. This happens if a person is in a normal state from the point of view of physiology or psyche. But under the influence of stress, the balance is broken, and the body loses its ability to replenish the internal reserve. Initially, this is manifested by excessive fatigue and quick fatigue. Over time, the human need for life energy is only growing and this affects the health status. Develop apathy, depression, immunity decreases. If the normal flow of vital energy in the body is not restored in time, the consequences can be more serious.

Types of human energy

Talking about the types of energy is not entirely correct, because by and large the energy is one, only its effect on the human energy centers is different. Such centers are called chakras. In classical literature, one can find references to the 7 chakras, in fact there are more, but these seven are the largest and most significant.

  1. Muladhara - this chakra is located in the base of the spine. It is the basis of the whole organism, physical health and ability to survive depend on the development and supply of energy of this chakra.
  2. Svadhistana - is located just below the navel. This chakra is considered the focus of the human sexual energy, because it is responsible for the search for pleasures on the material plane. It also gives energy for creativity.
  3. Manipura - is located in the solar plexus. Responsible for self-reliance, this is the so-called center of will.
  4. Anahata - is in the region of the heart. This chakra is the link between the physical and spiritual components of the human personality. This chakra is responsible for such feelings as love and compassion.
  5. Vishuddha - is located in the pharynx, it is also called the throat chakra. It gives an opportunity for self-development and the manifestation of creativity. Well developed in singers, actors, politicians, teachers.
  6. Ajna - is located between the eyebrows. Responsible for intuition, clairvoyance. This is the highest psychic energy that a person can operate.
  7. Sahasrara - is located in the parietal region of the head. It is practically undeveloped in most people, so insights, brilliant discoveries do not happen often. Due to inadequate development, constant contact with the Cosmos (the Creator, the Higher Mind) is impossible.

The axis for chakras is the vertebral column with its energy channels (ida, pingala and sushumna). The higher from the base of the spine, the more chakra, has more petals and the less it is associated with the physical plane. Roughly speaking, the first chakra is a connection with nature, and the seventh center - with a divine beginning.

Managing human energy

It must be remembered that everything in life has two sides. So with our chakras, for example, Anahata is responsible for the man's love for his neighbor and himself, but in the lowest manifestation the influx of energy into this center will be born only by envy and jealousy. Therefore, when managing your own energy, you need to clearly understand which centers you are going to stimulate and what you want to achieve as a result.

The technique is quite simple, especially for those who have a developed imagination. First you need to take a comfortable position and relax, that is, perform the two initial stages of any meditation. And now imagine that through the vertebral column you receive a stream light energy. Now you have to saturate the center in which you feel a lack of energy. For example, health problems indicate a loss of connection with nature (muladhara), but the inability to muster the will into a fist that the third chakra is exhausted.

How does man's energy fulfill desires?

Knowing the basics of energy management will help a person fulfill his desires. For example, if you need to persuade someone (a buyer in the exclusivity of the goods, the boss about the need to increase the salary) during the conversation, then a throat chakra and the center of the solar plexus need to be recharged. Just remember that there are no miracles, and if you literally shine on the energy level, but do not know the subject of the conversation at all, then you should not expect a positive result.