Are children baptized in Lent?

The baptism of a newborn child is an extraordinarily important mystery in the life of every young family. Although in some cases mothers and dads prefer to postpone this question until their son grows up and can independently determine if he wants to be baptized and what kind of faith he will profess, most parents decide to cross the crumb in the first year of his life.

Since the rite of the child's baptism is serious enough, it should be prepared in advance. So, Mom and Dad will have to choose in which temple and on what day the sacrament will take place, who will perform the role of godparents, and also prepare the necessary attribute.

When choosing a church for the ritual, members of the baby's family may have a question on which days it is possible to baptize a child and, in particular, do it during Lent.

Is child baptism allowed in Lent?

Orthodoxy does not provide for any prohibitions and restrictions on holding the sacrament of baptism of a child or an adult. Since the Lord God is always happy to impart the spiritual life of his newly-bred slave, this rite, if parents want, can be held absolutely on any day - weekday, weekend or holiday. Including, the sacrament of baptism is carried out during the entire period of Lent, including Palm Sunday and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that in each charitable institution there is a special order, therefore, in preparation for the sacrament, the godparents or biological parents, it is necessary to clarify whether children are baptized in the Great Lent specifically in this church or temple.

When is it better to be baptized?

Certainly, each family must decide on its own when it is better for them to perform the rite of the baptism of their child. Meanwhile, there are special recommendations of the Orthodox Church on this matter. So, if the child is healthy, he can be baptized after 8 days from birth. If the baby was born prematurely or weakened, and if for any reason there is a threat to his life, it is necessary to do this as soon as possible, almost immediately after the appearance of crumbs into the light.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that a woman who has just learned the joy of motherhood, within 40 days after this happy event is considered "unclean", so she can not enter the church. If the sacrament of baptism is held before this time and in the conditions of the Orthodox church, the young mother will not be able to take part in the christening of her baby.