Sage in the planning of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a real miracle for any woman, but it does not always get pregnant from the first time. Many couples spend a long time trying to conceive the long-awaited first-born, but all to no avail. Followed by endless examinations and long lines in hospital corridors, but the cause of infertility is often not found. In such cases couples often resort to folk methods of treatment, in particular, to phytotherapy.

On the Internet, advice is frequently found that it is necessary to take sage to become pregnant. I would like to dwell on this issue in more detail, since many consider herbal medicine to be harmless and without side effects. However, it is not.

Sage - a perennial plant of the family dicotyledonous and as a medicine for more than one century is used in medicine. About him was known since the days of Ancient Egypt. It was used to make embalming liquids, incense, prototypes of modern spirits, house protectors and medicinal drinks.

Sage has gained its popularity due to essential oils contained in all parts of the plant, and possess a wide range of therapeutic effects, including such as:

Does sage help to become pregnant?

There are no official data and studies on this score. However, visitors to various Internet forums argue that yes. Indeed, sage has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system due to the maintenance in the plant of the so-called phytoestrogens - hormone-like substances that resemble female sex hormones and have a similar effect.

The reception of sage really helps to improve the condition of the female reproductive system as follows:

It is these qualities that contribute to the early conception of the child, since if there were minor hormonal fluctuations in the body of the woman, there was a problem in the 1 st critical period - attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall and its nutrition, or pre-conception was the stagnation of pregnancy - sage intake in the absence provoking this state of pathology can help get pregnant.

How to drink sage to get pregnant?

Before taking sage for conception , it is recommended to consult a doctor (before starting taking even herbal preparations!) Because it can not only not help but also hurt.

A tablespoon of sage leaves for conception (sold in both conventional and phyto-pharmacies) pour a glass of warm water (about 80 degrees), and insist for 3-4 hours. The extracted extract is taken on a tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals from the first day of the end of menstruation for 10-14 days. Then it is recommended to take a break for at least 1 week and make an ultrasound examination to assess the functional status of the ovaries.

Sage and pregnancy are not compatible. During pregnancy, it is highly discouraged to take any sage preparations, as they can change the hormonal background and even cause an abortion with uterine bleeding. Therefore, even those who have helped sage to become pregnant, should immediately after conception refuse to accept it.

Any self-medication can lead to serious consequences for your health. The fact that this method helped others does not mean that it is 100% suitable for you. When taking sage, there are a number of contraindications, which should be read and examined in order to avoid negative consequences.

Contraindications to the ingestion of sage: