Green stool in infants

Each young mother tries to closely monitor the health of her baby. The contents of the diaper also does not remain without attention and in some cases can cause particular concern.

Often, mothers experience because of the green feces of the crumbs and worry that the baby can be sick. Of course, if there are any concerns, you should show the pediatrician for advice.

But you should know some of the causes of the green stool in the baby, taking into account several factors that affect the nature of the feces in the child:

Green stool in the baby, as a variant of the norm

In toddlers that feed exclusively on mother's milk, a similar color of feces may be a variant of the norm, but sometimes indicates some problems.

In the first week of life, the child's chair, including its color, varies greatly. In the first 2-3 days after childbirth, the baby leaves the original feces, which is also called meconium. At this time, a green (sometimes very dark) thick stool in the baby does not have to scare parents, this is an absolutely normal physiological phenomenon. The next week is considered a transitional period. The newborn's body adapts to the new conditions of life, and the digestive system gradually gets used to the peculiarities of nutrition. Therefore, the consistency, color and amount of feces vary. During the transition period, the stool of the baby gradually acquires a yellow-green color, which is also considered the norm and does not require any medical intervention. In the future, the color of the faeces varies according to individual characteristics.

It can be noted why in infants the green stool appears in those cases when this does not apply to any pathology:

Reasons for consulting a specialist

Unfortunately, sometimes the unusual color of feces can serve as an excuse for contacting the pediatrician:

First of all, you need to pay attention to the general condition of the child. If the crumb feels well, it does not increase colic, there is no heat, then most likely, after discovering unexpected changes in the color of the diaper, parents do not need to worry. Although, of course, to turn to a specialist to dispel your doubts, it will always be a sensible decision.