Atopic dermatitis in dogs - treatment

In this case, we are dealing with a chronic skin disease, which is manifested in itching, the emergence of boils, abundant rashes. Atopic dermatitis occurs in many dogs and not all methods of its treatment give positive results. It is directly related to genetics, if one of the parents suffers from this disease, then the likelihood that puppies susceptible to allergies will also appear repeatedly increases.

What causes atopic dermatitis?

Alas, but people have previously been more interested in the external data of their pets, and hereditary diseases have received very little attention. Not surprisingly, many new breeds were highly susceptible to the huge number of allergens that surround us in nature. Sometimes dermatitis appears when moving pets to an unusual habitat. If representatives of northern species transported to the tropics, they will receive a powerful blow to the immune system, which is able to greatly shake even the strongest health.

Most susceptible to atopic dermatitis pugs, boxers, setters, bulldogs, labradors, German shepherds, shar pei , chow-chow , Dalmatians. They can react to pollen common in our zone herbs (wormwood, ragweed, many meadow plants) and flowering trees, fleas, mites, human epidermis, mold.

Is it possible to cure atopic dermatitis in dogs?

If the allergen is too common, then you simply can not completely eliminate it. In the most difficult cases, only moving to another area of ​​habitation helps. Reduce the risk of disease preventive measures - the use of air purifiers in the room, the replacement of plastic dishes for ceramics or metal, regular antiparasitic measures. Relapses in the form of dermatitis, otitis, conjunctivitis are treated with antibacterial or antifungal medicines. Naturally, all these measures can be carried out only after serious tests in clinics.

Sometimes good results are given by potato compresses from raw grated tubers, antipruritic ointments from medicinal herbs (ivan-tea, chamomile), lotions from the infusion of crushed pear leaves. Treatment of atopic dermatitis in domestic dogs alone by folk remedies is ineffective, it should be carried out simultaneously with therapy with medications.