Ultrasonic face lifting - innovative anti-wrinkle technology

Throughout the world, the number of women who refuse plastic surgeons' services in favor of new progressive technologies that can effectively combat the signs of age-related skin changes is increasing every year. Ultrasonic face lifting is rightly in the lead among other methods of aesthetic cosmetology.

Ultrasound - good and bad

Modern cosmetic salons offer a wide selection of rejuvenating procedures and various anti-aging products. All of them can improve the condition of the upper layers of the skin, but can not provide a long lifting effect. Ultrasonic facelift is the only method that allows you to adjust the appearance without resorting to the help of a surgeon. Due to the influence of high-frequency sound on the deep layers of the skin, it became possible in a short time to achieve the desired result of rejuvenation .

This procedure has several positive aspects:

Ultrasonic lifting device

Cosmetic salons and clinics are performed by ultrasound SMAS lifting device Ulthera System, manufactured in the USA. It is the first certified tool for non-invasive skin tightening. More recently, it successfully competes with the Korean-made apparatus Doublo System. Both systems are equipped with special programs and monitors, which allows the doctor to monitor every step of the procedure, from start to finish. He can trace the depth of ultrasound exposure to certain parts of tissues and observe their contraction.

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting

The superficial muscular aponeurotic layer (SMAS), consisting of elastic and collagen fibers, throughout life forms and supports the natural face oval. Over the years, its function is weakening. This leads to the formation of wrinkles. To combat age-related skin changes, ultrasonic lifting is successfully used. It is the only method capable of making a tissue lift at the level of smas, at a depth of 5-5.5 mm.

SMAS lifting procedure

Hardware SMAS HIFU lifting is an ultrasonic facelift, performed by the method of high-frequency focused ultrasound (HIFU) on soft tissues, and includes several stages:

  1. The doctor-cosmetologist holds on the skin a special marking.
  2. A special gel is applied to the face. It helps to reproduce on the monitor all layers of the skin and determine the depth of ultrasound exposure.
  3. The nozzle of the device is applied to the skin areas in accordance with the markings previously applied.
  4. Focused ultrasound affects SMAS without damaging other tissues.
  5. The patient can feel a slight tingling and some tension, as the area of ​​the musculo-aponeurotic system decreases, causing an immediate pull-up.
  6. The result of the manipulation can be seen immediately. The lifting effect is enhanced for two months and lasts for several years.

SMAS lifting - contraindications

According to the estimates of cosmetologists, ultrasound smas facelift is a useful and effective method of rejuvenation and does not harm the patient's health. However, like any medical intervention, has a number of limitations and contraindications. Cosmetologists do not recommend lifting the face ultrasound to women after 55 years, because at this age the desired effect is very difficult to achieve. There are a number of contraindications to the procedure: